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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Next-gen High Fleet. I loved High Fleet. Wishlisted ❤️

Finally bought it. Such a great game.

FYI there are rumors it will be in an upcoming Humble Bundle.

Their previous game Craftopia was also on GamePass and somewhat successful. They probably had some leverage for negotiations.

My gaming time has drastically reduced since our first kid was born. I still manage to get an hour or two in the evening (if we don’t watch a movie/series or don’t have plans). On the other hand, I noticed I started getting bored of lengthy games and wanted to switch to something else around the 20 hours mark.

What helped me, is finding and playing well-rated singleplayer games that can be completed in only a few seatings, typically <10 hours. I use

But I also come back to endless games (Escape From Tarkov or League Of Legends) when I have friends to play with. You gotta find the balance that fits your schedule and tastes, without turning gaming into a chore.

Fire + Fish = Sushi (?)

Fire + Sushi = Wasabi (??)

Escape From Tarkov.

I love the game mechanics. But I suck so bad, I’ll never get the last quests.

Starfield CPU requirement is “Intel Core i7-6800K or newer”. I ran the game at nearly constant 60FPS on an (unsupported) i7-4790K.

Sometimes the requirements are bullshit.

I always check before starting a new game

I also tend to prefer games that are short.

Here are a couple of my PC recommandations, in no specific order :



Planet of Lana

Limbo + Inside

Little Nightmares 1 + 2


Solar Ash


Cult If The Lamb

Have A Nice Death

Death’s Door


Trek To Yomi

Hello. First of all, thanks for your generosity.

I would appreciate Barotrauma. I love indie survival games and this one has been on my radar for a while.

Happy holidays 🥰

Such a good game. It really pushed me emotionally having to decide between bad and worst decisions.

The Quantum games (Heavy Rain, Beyond:Two Souls, Detroit:Become Human) are great for that. Also the Life Is Strange series. Abzu, Journey are “cinematic games” of their own. Maybe Firewatch? Outer Wilds?

Nintendo, one generation behind once again.

Aaaaand I discovered time dilation playing Oxygen Not Included.

“10PM : I’ll just build this real quick, then I’ll go to bed”


“3AM : oh…”

I’m stuck in a loop of League Of Legends and Escape from Tarkov. I hate myself for it but they are both so addicting I always want more.

This is the first time I hear about this game. Checking it out, it definitely looks like something I’d enjoy. Thanks for the tip! 👍

True. Just mentioning ELO hell in r/leagueoflegends you get downvoted to hell and spammed “you just need to git gud/you just need to carry your games/you just need to take a break” 🙃

On top of my head (uneducated guess) :

  • multiple accounts regularly logging in through a single IP
  • day/time login patterns
  • same champion pools
  • consistently stomps games
  • frequent higher than average KDA
  • frequent higher than average CS/min
  • higher than rank level winrate
  • higher than rank level MMR

These items taken individually don’t tell much. But when cross-referenced with other data, I’m pretty sure it becomes clear really fast when someone is smurfing.

DongHuaP mentioned. Auto upvote.

But yeah ELO hell is real… I tried to combat that by only playing with at least 1 premade (duo). If I bring someone in, that makes one less spot for inter/AFKer/troll in my team, right? Yes. But matchmaking also sends you to harder matches because “you are at advantage of playing with a premade”.

Each past season since S07, I reach gold then quit. This season I fell from Gold 4 10LP straight to Silver 4 25LP. 15 loses streak. The hardest I’ve ever fallen. Soul crushing. And I usually end up top 3 players of the match. I make mistakes, but they don’t cost us the loss.

Even in bottom silver, I saw matchmaking sending Platinums in my enemy team (based on pre-match info). I thought it wasn’t possible to play with 2 divisions difference. Get your shits together and fix matchmaking, Riot.

Waiting for an eventual Elden Ring + all DLCs sale, whenever that (may) happen


I hope there will be an option to play with hidden HUD, including crosshair. I’ve really gotten used to playing with nothing on screen (Tarkov, TOTK, HZD,etc).

Some of the games I’ve spent the most time on are games I’ve discovered through his channel (Dwarf Fortress, Caves Of Qud, Hardspace Shipbreaker, HighFleet, Synthetik, etc…).

I also like to browse grey market aggregators to snatch cheap stuff on discount.

Other than that, Steam sales popup, GamePass, Lemmy PatientGamers.

“Sometimes it’s not about the destination, but about the journey itself”

- Aoygtetherox-No-Longer, Queen of the highly entropic beings

My favorite is Caves Of Qud. The amount of freedom in character build and progression options is just unlike anything else I’ve tried. Also the very distinguishable graphics make it more interesting to me, because “games don’t need to be pretty to be crazy fun”.

I discovered it thanks to Sseth. His other recommended roguelike games (Synthetik, NEO Scavenger, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead) are all great in their own way.