I played eve online for 500 hours while actively playing in nullsec on highest earning content for my current skill points (which are IRL timegated for those who dont know) and never managed to pay the premium subscribtion with the in game currency I made. (I could afford at the very least like 7 days) Paid to play is for like less than a percent of players
I think ER had a great difficulty design since you could go to other areas to overlevel. But I haven’t played it or the DLC so I can’t really give a specific opinion on the implementation in fromsoft games, I just think that general anti-accessibility statement like the original quote are uninformed and ableist opinions. And you’re welcome for the discussion!
Counter strike is a multiplayer game, I’m talking about solo game (and even mp games can have difficulty accessibility options, like Tekken 8 does). About your target audience thing, I’d love to play dark souls and elden ring for the exploration, awesome music and ambiance but the difficulty and slow paced gameplay always put me off. Or to take the other example of Celeste, some people play it because of the difficulty and fun platforming, but I played it for the story and music and I loved it. Giving accessibility options will help people enjoy their game how they want with close to 0 additional development time cost.
There were a lot of server problems at launch, but apart from that the game is REALLY good, even for people like me who spent 600hours on PoE.
I bought Last Epoch during Early Access and they have done so much good work, it’s very impressive. The devs are very reactive to feedback, and when streamers said the game was bad in very early access, they listened to the complaints and made it better. Zizaran said they had the best reaction towards negative feedback.
I havent heard about the duping items things, and it is less owned by tencent than PoE is.
You have to find a streaming site that hasnt been subject to a DMCA takedown, where it has what you want to watch in good quality with the correct dubbing and subs, navigate through the popups (I even know some who do so without ublock), change your DNS in most cases because it’s been blocked by the ISP DNS (favorite method of blocking in france), and make sure the player actually works. Where I live you don’t really need a vpn for torrenting. Streaming is far from a “click and go” option. The only advantage I can find for streaming is not requiring disk space.
I am always surprised that even tech-savy ppl I know mostly are completely unaware of torrenting. They all use their streaming websites with tons of popups and ads and complain when they have to find a new one every now and then, I don’t get why they just won’t torrent even after showing them.
Edit: by streaming sites I mean pirate ones
Woha looks very pretty! I didn’t expect an game here
And persona / SMT