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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2020


Not gonna lie, it looks cool as hell. But if I get a handheld it’ll be a Steamdeck. I might be more tempted if it was Linux based, though.

Oh, I agree it’s a leap. It’s just slightly less of a leap than complaining about the NSA. I’m not saying you’re wrong about the knee-jerk reaction some Americans have to Chinese tech and China in general.

It’s just that the sputtering nonsense makes very slightly more sense after you mentioned the ban in the original post. You opened a crack in the door, is what I’m saying, and if an American Jingoist Asshat can get his head in the crack, he’s gonna get all the way in.

Well, it doesn’t really, except that you mentioned the US trade ban, which brings the reason for the US trade ban into the topic at least tangentially.

I do. I’m with you on that. But it makes marginally more sense that bringing up the NSA would.

Oh, I care about Five (Seven, Nine) Eyes every bit as much as I care about China, I assure you. But in a thread about a Chinese company’s new tech, it would be a bit weird to complain about NSA data mining. Kinda off topic, if you see what I mean.

  • The whole set of NES Mega-Man games had amazing soundtracks, although 2 is the best. There’s barely a story there, but the gameplay is solid.
  • Final Fantasy VI has Dancing Mad, and that alone would be enough, but the whole damn thing is just amazing, especially the Opera.
  • Similarly, Final Fantasy VII had a stellar soundtrack, including the holy-shit-this-is-amazing One Winged Angel.
    • All Final Fantasy games have great soundtracks, but these two are my faves
  • Someone mentioned Terraria, and I would be remiss if I didn’t second it. Not much story there, but I’ve been playing it for like 12 years and I’m still happy every time I start it up.
  • The Elder Scrolls games from Morrowind on all have bangin’ soundtracks. Oblivion had the best one (although Morrowind and Skyrim are both better games, IMHO).
  • Tempest 2000 for the Atari Jaguar of all things had a phenomenal soundtrack. Seriously, it it was one of the first games in the US to have its soundtrack sold in stores. And it stands up.

I’ll add more if I think of them. Most of the others I can think of have already been mentioned.


  • Chrono Cross, I can’t believe I forgot it! That OP is unforgettable, and yet somehow I managed to forget it! The game itself pales in comparison to its predecessor (Chrono Trigger, which also has a great soundtrack), but it’s not bad.
  • On a similar note, the original Wild Arms had an excellent soundtrack with a western theme. Actually, the whole Wild Arms series has good music, but I just couldn’t get past one of the main mechanics that showed up in 2 and stick around.
  • Another one I can’t believe I forgot, Nights: into Dreams had the best soundtrack on the Sega Saturn. It’s just perfect for the game, not a bad tune in there.

Seems like if they wanted to avoid this sort of suspicion, they’d time the announcement for either right before or nowhere near when the scheduled sale would take place.

But then they wouldn’t get to feel like a Bond villain, so…

$14 isn’t bad for a complete game free of microtransactions, especially one with as much content as FFT.

If that’s too much, but you don’t like free to play economy stuff like gacha (I agree with this, BTW), then I suggest emulation. You can get ppsspp and Joan of Arc or Ogre Battle, for instance. Both are great games, full of the tactical goodness you’re looking for.

Well, hell. I guess I’ll go back to watching less and buying DVDs. I’m not watching commercials on a service I pay for. That’s a non starter.

Worst comes to worse, I can dust off my eye patch, grab my parrot, and take to the high seas. I don’t wanna, I prefer to pay for stuff, but ffs, if they can’t be reasonable, I guess it’s back to arrr me hearties.

It… it was a joke. I was implying that 52% was better than me.

If I’m going to use AI for something, I want it to be right more often than I am, not just as often!

Hey this is neat! I’m glad to see the competition heating up in this space!

I’d be a lot more glad if they followed Valve’s example and made it Linux based, though.