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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


You had respect for ikea? There stuff is cheap and shitty, it’s great for a dorm room or first apartment but it’s not really made to last.

Telegram doesn’t use vpns to bypass access restrictions. There have been multiple attempts to block/ban telegram and they inevitably fail because of the way the internet is designed. And as I said. If you have access to the greater internet you can probably access telegram but I am guessing you don’t use it and didn’t use it before the ban so you have no need to try to access it now.

Telegram uses proxies and has a setting in the app to attempt to work around blockages.

If you can reach any sites like this, you could reach telegram if you wanted to badly enough.

Was about to say similar. Telegram is virtually unblockable.

Where did I say anything about vm? I get very very few spam calls and androids dialer does a really good job of identifying the few calls that get through tmo as spam.

Here is my vm log, notice how few are actually there? I honestly don’t remember if/when I ever cleared any out from this phone number. My old ass direct line is on GV and it’s set to never ring.

Who is your provider? If they have an online toggle for more spam detection/blocking, turn that on. Alternatively you could move to another provider who does a better job at handling spam calls.

That still counts as an active number. Most providers these days have a spam blocking option, have you tried turning that on? I’m with tmo and get very few spam calls. I get the odd text offering to buy my house but I have my ways of dealing with them.

Thanks for the info. I have some older pixels that I can play around with. Time to get back to geeking out with roms.

I should probably consider this the next time I upgrade.

This might be a stupid question but I am so far out of the rom game that I have no clue. Does lineage or others support copying data over from a current phone either from stock or same os? I’ve been rocking pixels and nexus before it and it’s gotten so easy to move to a new phone with 90%+ of apps and data just being ready to go.

I hadn’t even thought about the voice. Holy shit you’re right, that’s going to be bad unless they auto tune it to sound more like game Roland. Though I fear they will lean into his voice and it will be horrendous.

This is what threw me when I first heard about this, Roland is like 6.5ft tall at minimum, Kevin Hart is like 4ft tall, even with prosthetics, risers, creative film angles, etc we will know how tall he really isn’t and it will break the illusion.

Yeah, this one is going to suck. But, I’ll probably watch it anyway as soon as I can download it from the high seas.

Same here. I’m rocking a pixel 7pro because I wanted to upgrade but I have several other pixels in a drawer that still boot up and work fine. They are slow as shit and one of them is so old I don’t remember my pattern lock, but I had to use one for work temporarily a few months ago and it did it’s job until the replacement phone arrived. I was upgrading the 7 to a pro and giving the 7 to my wife because her phone had died out of nowhere and she needs one for 2fa for work stuff.

All of it, all of it is hard for some people to understand.

That’s not what those words mean at all. You’re jumping through hoops (and failing) just to avoid not being right, stop it, it’s not becoming.

A example you and others may be able to grasp.

Let’s say I focus on my work instead of spending time with my wife/gf/whatever. Despite the fact that I don’t want that relationship to fail and I am not actively sabotaging it, I can’t really be surprised when said wife/gf/whatever leaves me because I wasn’t actively nurturing the relationship.

Who is this “we” you speak of? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

I for one didn’t “know” this and I don’t believe it. It may not have been intentional and planned but that is indeed how it shook out. They focused on gtao while neglecting and then eventually canceling the aforementioned games/expansions.