Yeah, the “magic” elevators were a bit disappointing in highrise, and Sim Tower was the one mentioned in Howard Payne’s DEFCON22 talk on elevator optimisation strategy. already does something like that to ensure all new pages get some minimum number of views to check the quality.
If you have any more left, Shapez is currently £2.39 has been pretty good - they occasionally try various ways of monetizing it (the most recent one seems to be some kind of limit on map downloads) but it was a pretty straightforward OSM viewer with basic routing and searching.
“The jury, he argued, was essentially allowed to conjure up damning evidence in their minds that may not have existed”
Well yes, that’s exactly what the court will do if they find that you’ve been deleting evidence - they assume that whatever you deleted must have been damning to the case otherwise why would you have told employees to use “delete after 24h” communication channels?