Hoy take time i guess…
I’m hopeful. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell cus how dare I enjoy things, but I’ve had fun with all their games. Even starfield. It was a departure and an attempt at something new. I still put in over a hundred hours on it. The ship builder was awesome and the ships themselves were super cool too.
Skyrim is still my 3rd most played game. And I’m pretty sure fallout is up there too.
Astro bot and balatro make sense. I hope balatro wins.
Black myth is Chinese propaganda or psyOp. Has to be. People did not seem to care for this game?
Erd is dlc which is BS. It will probably win cus these games are cult status.
FF7 is weird. 1 part of many in a remake. People seemed pretty mid about it?
Metaphor felt weird in the demo. These also reach cult status. I could see this winning though with the added recency bias.
I’ll bite. I hate billionaires. Let’s check this out.
Things that hurt indie devs in this article:
Things not cited in this article as a problem:
I like Humankind.
I like the civ switch since you can change you priorities each age. Also I like having a leader I actually like with a civ I like.
Let’s me do what I want to do the entire campaign instead of having to be stick with some stuff I don’t like just to play with the things I do like.
I’m terrible at these games so I can’t speak to balance and strategy and stuff. I use lots of auto stuff or relying on suggested choices from advisors lol.
I’m with you here.
I played it just recently so I didn’t get to play with as many people as I’m sure there were at the start. I did encounter others frequently enough though. Even played with 1 person for a big chunk.
It was fine. It’s pretty and it has soul for sure but it’s not a transcendent experience like so many seem to describe. Maybe I’m broken in my own way, maybe I missed something, maybe I don’t understand art. Who knows.
I had fun though and it was worth the price.
There kinda isn’t really any definitive science that indicates a specific frame rate that the eye can perceive.
There are studies however that show ranges from 30 to 90hz, and studies that show that human perception can detect flicker at up to 500hz even.
The issue is that nothing that happens in the real world is synchronized with what you perceive. So filling in with more Hz means there are more chance for you to actually perceive the thing.
To complicate matters further, our brains do a lot of filling in for us, and our eyes and brains can still perceive things you aren’t consciously perceiving yourself. So again more frames is always nice.
Here are some sources
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2020). Lighting Ergonomics - Light Flicker.
Davis J, et al. (2015). Humans perceive flicker artifacts at 500 Hz.
Mills M. (2020). How Many Frames per Second (FPS) the Human Eye Can See.
I was booed out of 2 guilds for suggesting the grind is dumb and that real content is better.
Once in WoW years after release when they introduced dailies. Which are a crock.
And once in Conan Exiles where the server owner kept making content, a lot of being amazing, but half of it being pointless getting dailies.
I was kind of shocked at how many people love dailies for some reason. Easy brain shut off tasks I guess?
FFT is probably my all time favorite as well.
The tone, setting, story, art style has remained unmatched in my mind.
Tons have tried to replicate the tactics combat stuff and plenty have succeeded and improved or changed upon that formula, but I don’t think any of them have had that feel to it. Even the other FFT games.
Do people riding horses gross you out too, or relying on dogs to find injured people in accidents? Animals have had jobs with people throughout history.
Do you not fight wolves, attack dogs, dragons, and other animals on any other game you’ve played?
You don’t have to butcher your pals. There is no in game need for it. You have pals, you pet them and feed them and provide for their needs and they help you cut a tree down. Sometimes they don’t feel like it and they just don’t do it. What’s the problem?
Sad… I’ve replaced so many controllers and eventually just have up on the system… :(