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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 18, 2023


So, you’re saying this article is both a complete waste of readers’ time AND a lukewarm shite ordered by mgmt to meet quota, keeping their owners “in the news”?

Hunh. That tracks.

Boomers trying for that Satanic Panic BS again. 😜 Yeah, that totally worked last time, gramps. TTRPGs are a multi-billion global industry, now. Fuckin’ blue hairs.

edit: Can you imagine what it would be like to have demonstrative pedestrian justice against CEOs, et al, be widely accepted as “cool AF” & something everyone’s at least a little curious about? What a Game Night changer, eh 😂🤘🏽


…score some down time, get to know our companions, and upgrade our gear…


No worries, it’s the effort that counts — especially when it’s nearly as often “LGBTQIA”, “LGBTQIA+”, etc. 🤪 Way to show up, though. 🫀🤓

Ah, your choice of phrasing put me off, I believe. Also, it’s “LGBTQ+”, btw. 🙇🏽‍♂️🖖🏽

I don’t give any attention to the manufactured outrage & the cringey idjits who blithely/proudly regurge it. Simple as.

That said, I’m enjoying the light-hearted fairytale style as a nice change of pace from my tendency toward darker, grittier fantasy (ie. behemoths like BG3 & Souls, etc.), plus the bonus of having Erika Ishii’s talented voice for my Rook … is so fuzzy-lovely-perfect that I might stay awhile and listen. 🥰❤️‍🔥🖖🏼

So, you simply mean “being preached at”? What’s the over/under on religious “leaders” feeling they’re above the law, etc., but knowing that they have to keep the sheep from spooking?

11yrs-younger-you can’t judge. They were just another starry-eyed fuckin’ idiot. You’re good, just don’t do it again, right?

Right?! 😶

Uh. So, boomers swinging in the dark to maybe profit from a generation they have no more contact with than their marketing team has with real human beings? What could go wrong?

More than Ssss-skyliness, you ssss-say? Ooh, boy! Color me exsss-cited! 👀

Spoiler: that “something” is walk away with a cool billion and bin the whole thing.

Oh? What gave it away? The unassailable fact that this “project” has sucked up millions upon millions of dollars and dragged on for years with fuck all to show for it, and now they’ve added violations of labor laws to their pre-event ramp up where they’ll, yet again, show “teasers” for a somehow still unfinished game with no release date, et al?

Maybe something in there was a clue that this is a sham, and always has been? 🤷🏼‍♂️

So… 100% on-brand for GW, then? Hunh. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I mean, it’s not like they’ve been doing this shit for decade after decade after decade or anything, eh?

Fuck GW.

Oh, the already-cracked POS? Cute, and predictable. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Yeah… We’re living in the timeline where they already said that a number of times already. Final doesn’t exist in this profit-first culture, citizens.