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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


This was productive and I’m sure you convinced a whole lot of people

They’re suing him for copying scenes shot for shot from their movie after they told him explicitly not to

Sea of Thieves overall best. Hunt: Showdown a close second

What about it?

Ok I’m sorry. I mean I’d do it again but I recognize it’s wrong.

Idk if this is “a reason” but leaving the launcher running without actually playing the game does count as playtime for steam, which may result in folks not being able to refund it if they don’t like it, and increases overall hours played.

Whether that’s part of why these games have useless launchers, or whether those things actually pan out that way, who knows.

There isn’t necessarily a problem but it is definitely circumventing at least the spirit if not the letter of the law by not allowing data subjects to provide fully informed consent.

Legally obfuscation can be anonymization depending on how it’s done

Depending on the data structures there are many methods to anonymize without supervision. None of them are perfect but the don’t have to be - just legally defensible.

That is very much what the EU AI act is trying to get at. LLMs are covered under GPDR and EU AI act, it is not a simple matter

Assuming it is PII when you store it. This is a complicated discussion that will absolutely come down to what Slack can defend to a regulator

That’s not true at all. If you obfuscate the PII it stops being PII. This is an extremely common trick companies use to circumvent these laws.

That’s not strictly speaking true. It requires more oversight and mechanisms of control but those very well could already be in place.

The problem isn’t that it’s pay to play, it’s that they already paid to play and they don’t want to pay again

This makes me laugh so hard.

EFT fanboys shelled out big bucks ($140) to buy the edge of darkness edition that promised a bunch of stuff - including coveted gamma containers that gave you expanded inventory space. Importantly, it promised free access to ALL future DLC. It was removed from the store in January without any reason.

Today Battlestate Games announced the “Unheard of Edition” for $250 that gives increased rep gain, inventory space, items and loot, and access to offline progression and PvE modes. It gives you special pockets that carry full mags. It gives you unique items and weapons. It is so clearly pay to win and so expensive that even the EFT fanboys are pissed. And people who bought EfD have the pleasure of buying this new version like everyone else because it’s not a DLC - it’s a new game mode, apparently.

BSG responded to the backlash in the healthiest way possible: by doubling down. Today, after a competitor (Arena Unleashed or some shit) mocked them on Twitter, BSG retweeted them - giving them more free advertising than they’ve had in any form. Absolutely incredible to watch this shitty company implode.

The most incredible thing is that all of this is bullshit. BSG has convinced people that playing Tetris with their inventory is actually Gritty Realism to the extent that they think their players will pay $250 to get an 8x8 box and bigger pockets. Next thing you know, you’ll be able to pay a mere $300 to have an in-game map and vendors that consistently sell things.

Void crew is a version of this playable today. You can definitely play solo but nothing really comes close to how easy a game like SoT is to play solo

I love how in your example “perfect” is not having moneygrubbing microtransactions and the “good” compromise we’re supposed to accept is the microtransactions the chose to put in for no purpose other than money

They are ticking a checkbox for the suits.

Yeah that’s like the whole problem, not a triviality. I’m sure DD2 is fun. Ive watched a lot of it streamed. Seems cool. I’m not gonna buy it because they did this shit, same reason I didn’t buy DMCV and haven’t bought a Capcom game in years. Stop rewarding scummy companies.

It’s ok that I can buy in game currency for my singer player game! It’s fine! It’s good actually! Recruiting high level companions, a THING THEY BUILT INTO THE BASE GAME DELIBERATELY THEN LET YOU PAY EXTRA FOR, using in game currency I can buy isn’t pay2win. Recruiting companions isn’t even core gameplay if they’re strong enough, bro.

It’s ok that Capcom sent reviewers a game without micro transactions that were in retail! That’s fine, it’s fine! The microtransactions were paying for now were expansions before so it’s uh…it’s better, yeah. I actually prefer my $70 USD single player games to have gameplay benefitting microtransactions.

You sound like you’ve swallowed the boot my guy. You’re so far gone you can’t see the way back. Glad you’re enjoying the game, though. Sounds like it was worth it to you.

“They only cost rift crystals if they’re a higher level than you”

Ah yes this is additional value and content that you should pay money for, right? It’s not core gameplay to recruit companions regardless of their level like in almost every fucking game I’ve ever played right?

Imagine licking boot so hard that you actually believe this

The thing is they made these features as part of the core gameplay then charged for them. It isn’t like you’re paying for a boost or game mode or special companion or something. You’re given the option to earn these features through playing a single player game or pay money and get them faster.

Literally carving out chunks of the base game and offering them up for money as if it is added value. The only value is saving time IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. If your single player game has elements that are so tedious or cumbersome that people will literally PAY MORE MONEY to get them on their terms you purposefully built a worse game than you could have.

Admittedly, most of the “Mostly Negative” Steam reviews seem to be reacting to the fact they exist at all, without considering whether they’re actually critical to your progress in the game or not (for clarity, they are not).

I didn’t know we were only allowed to write reviews based on things critical to your progress. I didn’t know how many companions you have or what your character looks like weren’t critical. I bet if we searched even a little we’d find a RockPaperShotgun review of “non critical” game features.

What horseshit.

Yeah I have been off work this week. During the day USTZ it’s totally fine. 5-6pm EST it goes to the queue. Dunno about now but the past few days have been much better than last weekend

I was talking to a friend about the same thing. The timer seems like a server timer, not the client polling. All those clients then are just retrying the login? No wonder their auth servers are slammed

Honestly queues are fine if

  1. I can see my spot in queue (bonus points for estimated time remaining)
  2. AFK players are kicked

They’ve already done 2 and 1 would make me fine with waiting in queue. But as it is their queue is not even a queue, it’s a raffle. There’s no line, just a mob waiting to get in.

This feels like a reference to that article that dropped yesterday making the same claims based on nothing but anecdotes, suppositions, and Twitter threads.

The game is fun. If this is a scam then it’s doing far too much work trying to be a full game