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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


The amount of development and community collaboration at this point of so many years is not possible to reach for them. Hardware can be done and some standard software but proprietary software will never be at the level of development . Microsoft is wining on gaming because they had so many years of development from the starting of the gaming on pc. But nowadays to reach fast that level of development is being collaborative and open source .

What happened to the records industry? Mp3 Videogames companies so many years ago have totally overpriced values. Do you know how much is 70 for a poor or even half developed country? And the word population almost totally majority are that people .

My god with that smile and eyes I depart him to the asylum.

Yeah sadly is all about that. But let me tell you something , it’s just a modus operandis to take the money and run away . You know, like politicians. They don’t care the long effects and results.

Sociopaths decisions make not only product and markets worse, even to workers and their families and of course consumers.

the guy don’t give a single fuck, people don’t get that he don’t care about loosing money.

But…. Lots of bots are made with RPAs …. With actual browsers , interface emulating human interaction. Sounds like a response to https://proton.me/blog/proton-captcha

It’s a good idea, so the pain will end and it will die one and for all

“Gen Z is much more comfortable” with newer technology. “ wtf….

iPhone X user here, very happy. I’m considering replacing it this year, but I can continue using it with no problem. Can’t play games smoothly tho. It would melt . But phones should last longer and have part replacements , the industry needs to change.

I understand and I agree. I tried it already and kagi is great. But I’m concerned about the amount of services we will need to pay in order to stay out of the eyes . I’m not sure if it’s the way.

People would need to be force to insert this shit to be competitive in the market. This sucks

Pay for search? There should be another approach… at this rate will be paying for every single thing we do on internet and navigating properly would require a bunch of money .

Would need a kind soul to verify with more trusted sources this shitty website allegations .

The sad part of the story is that, thousands of people were scammed on the kickstarter site on hundreds of projects, thousands are still throwing their money at them and the site is still standing.

“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” Sun Tzu

Many corporations did the same already. Seems they would loose control of their employees if they don’t have them like cattle in the office. Governments do the same with the population on big cities. It’s an old resource to keep control over the population.

I can’t recall anymore at which point Microsoft started their efforts to make Windows the most shit as possible , intentionally. I’m not saying Wordpad is something that I use , but… why???

If Population = poor And Mac = expensive And Pc = cheap Then Developers = pc