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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


They would do that because the video game journalism industry is extremely anti-consumer. They’re basically paid mouthpieces. Their job is to sell video games.

I’m not understanding what you’re confused about here. The suggestion here isn’t that they’re using the phrase wrong out of some kind of bumbling incompetence. I’m very clearly suggesting they’re using the phrase wrong in an Insidious effort to denigrate consumers. I’ve not hidden that at all. They are intentionally using it to make criticism of game companies sound irrational. That is the goal. That is the point.

It ain’t review bombing if the game’s not working properly. That’s just called an accurate review. Of course the gaming journalism industry has to make sure all of its headlines are anti-consumers possible though.

I’m just shocked that many people want to watch an award show. Any award show

Identical deals I believe. Except maybe that deep discount section that’s different. Everything else should be 100% the same

Maybe next time try actually making your point instead of circling around it for five comments like a fifth rate Socrates.

Why do companies do exclusive launches? Presumably they think the money they get from Epic is more than the money they’ll lose in sales. Whether or not they’re right is another question.

The article didn’t mention it but I’m curious what the breakdown is by age. I have to assume younger Gamers watch way more videos than older gamers.

I saw that Renowned Explorers: International Society had a pretty seriously deep sale going on right now. Only $4. It’s pretty interesting game, art styles fun, games got some interesting mechanics, overall I think it’ll scratch a turn-based strategy itch. I recommend it.

Kind of amazing how there’s so many knee-jerk reactions in here from people who don’t bother to read or understand the situation. Almost like the senator has brought light to a situation that many people were either unaware of or willfully ignorant of. Amazing how it’s people’s reactions that convince you of the veracity of a story more than the story itself.

This isn’t the government cracking down, this is the senator writing a letter. There’s no force of government behind this. It’s simply someone in power bringing light to a problem. A problem that we all should acknowledge exists, because it’s very easy to verify.

Do we need to wake up to that? Or do we need to say that’s bullshit? Which one sounds better? Maybe companies need to wake up to the fact that they shouldn’t be able to do anything they want. Why can’t we wake up to that reality?

“Lack of shortages”

Just say Surplus you weirdo. Who the heck wrote that headline?

Considering the fact that when I think of naughty dog I think of great story-driven games this is just sad.

I won’t lie and say this is what’s going to stop me from buying the game, because my computer not being able to run it was going to stop me from buying the game. So symbolically I’m with them I guess.

They’re about to release a new console aren’t they? That would seem to indicate probably not

Hearing that imperator Rome surpassed their expectations is surprising because they must have had extremely low expectations. That is my biggest gaming purchase regret of all time.

Was GeForce not supposed to be an all-in-one app? I thought that was the purpose.

Man anyone saying this is a bad thing has never been through arbitration before. It’s basically a room full of lawyers getting paid to waste your time and money just to fuck you over later. Course as I type that it kind of sounds like all lawyers…

I’ve heard that, and it’s reasonable however I found the level design in the first one could be a little repetitive as well so I thought some of the criticism was somewhat unwarranted.

Yeah I love the second one also. Liked the characters better, I like the contained story, combat was more fun I thought, Etc…

Shining example right here of exactly why people would rather play solo.

I’ve been putting off buying an Xbox for like a year now because these kind of stores keep spooking me

I’ll remember that with my kids asked me to take them to go see it. I’m sorry kids some writer on some website said that I wasn’t allowed to see this movie so you can’t either. Cuz you know you don’t have jobs or money or anything. I have all that so y’all are out of luck.