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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I pay $10/month for copilot because it saves me a lot more than $10 in time not spent typing out boilerplate or searching through garbage documentation.

It frees up my mind to focus on the actual software architecture instead of the quirks of the language.

I found a polearm that happened to have decent base damage, and nothing else. Sold it for $20 on the RMAH and ended up using that to buy the expansion when I finally came back.

Can’t stand the way it works now either though. It’s basically one of those idle games now. You just play the same shit no matter what difficulty. The only difference is the number of zeros on the damage numbersnas you gradually gear up to whatever the season armor is.

That’s what keeps people coming back to D2R. You get a new piece of gear and suddenly you can run areas that you couldn’t before. You have that carrot of maybe one day getting an enigma or eBotD, or you’ll get a good drop for another class and now you’re levelling up an alt so they can use that gear.

I’m content to wait a few years to see if it gets any better. I bought D3 on launch and didn’t come back until a year after the expansion.

With the amount of microtransactions in the game it’s only a matter of time before it goes on sale for like $15, or goes free to play. I’ll get it then.

D4 was dead the moment they announced D2R. Why would I pay $80 for a game with microtransactions and battlepass when I can pay $50 for a game that comes complete in box?

They should have taken D2R kept the mechanics and just rolled new classes, maps, and items.

I don’t want a new game, I just want more content.

Remember when Google said that if the result you wanted wasn’t on the first page that they had failed?

The problem is the first page is now 2 sponsored links, a widget suggesting 10 YouTube videos, 5 search results for a related search, and two actual search results for the thing you are looking for.

We almost need a browser widget that appends &page=2 to any google search result.

New idea for Lemmy apps: drunk text mode. Between 10pm and 6am you have to answer a skill testing question before submitting.

That’s the goal here too. If Google and Meta have to pay to link to Canadian news content they are only going to do it for a few mainstream media sources like Post Media because handling the payments for all of the smaller independent sources would be an accounting nightmare.

There is also a Microsoft subplot here. One of our senators was just on social media stating that Microsoft won’t have to pay because they fall short of the threshold. He encourages more people to switch to bing so that they will be forced to pay. The whole thing reads like a sponsored post.

The GPU is also upgradable. Given Framework’s track record the likelihood that you will be able to upgrade it to an 8000 or 9000 series AMD GPU or even an Nvidia or ARC GPU down the line is damn near 100%.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if they released an adapter that lets you plug your old GPU into a standard PCIe slot afterwards.

This is definitely a PR thing. The 4060 Ti was universally panned, as was the 4060. They aren’t seeding units to reviewers this time around because they know that 90% of the review is going to be pointing out that the extra 8GB of ram doesn’t help a card with the same memory bandwidth as a GTX 780.