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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 21, 2023


For one brief moment, at least we got Skyrim (even though it was a buggy mess on release)

I’m not going to pay to see it but if the choice of the song magical mystery tour sets up the tone of the movie it could be a bit of fun.

Pretty sure kids will like it.

They are learning what level of bullshit PC gamers will tolerate.

I play hearthstone and spend more than that every 3 months to get a complete set of the expansion (well actually now that I think about it, it’s about $150 every three months or so).

I play a lot so my value to time ratio is pretty good but yeah…I don’t really buy any other games.

Yeah she’s half black.

I also thought that Sandy was brown but that was a mistake the closet to a brown character is Gus but I’m not even sure that’s the case.

I’ve played the game.

A lot.

As I said, I like Stardew but this was always my impression of it.

If CA wasn’t solely responsible for everything in the game you’d be able to make some concessions about this but this game is (IMO) a reflection of their world view. Consciously or subconsciously they’ve written it into the game.

Again, it’s fine I don’t mind playing around in one guys idealised society (Demetrius quest line aside), I wish it wasn’t as mono as it is but the game play and lore are still good enough.

Well for starters it’s completely capitalistic and supports the idea of work = reward. Big business is bad but small business is good.

But socially, it stereotypes issues and what little different cultures there are.

There are no Asian people. There is one black character whose first quest is to farm a melon. Seriously.

The person experiencing homelessness is the noble savage who doesn’t mind not having a home, it’s his choice.

The alcoholic is saveable and finds the error in their ways.

The abandoned child gets adopted and it’s a happy ending.

There’s no crime.

The teacher is a young white woman.

The mayor is an old white man.

The doctor is white man.

The shop owners are a white man and two white women.

The blacksmith is white.

The town failure who lives in a trailer is saved by the player by getting a house which solves their problems. They are also a euphemism for white trash because putting a ghetto in Stardew would have been a bit too on the nose.

It’s a middle class white person who works in IT idealised society (I.e. concerned apes) where there are simple cause and effect solutions to complex problems. I.e. a conservative ideology.

I like Stardew as much as the next person but I am not going to be shocked when Concerned Ape rebuffs attempts at him to declare his position on trans issues.

If you pay attention to a lot of the undertones in Stardew valley it’s clear (IMO) that Concerned Ape is conservative.

I like the game but I’m always surprised that people think Stardew is a leftist/liberal paradise because it allows same sex relationships.