Mushroom Cats is another one. My daughter loves it. Good way to kill 15 minutes.
I don’t know. I’m a dirty American with Consent-O-Matic.
Even playing through Mass Effect 1 > 2 > 3 back to back has been a challenge for me. The games just get simpler as you go along and it is so frustrating.
And I’m not talking about just the talent systems and looting etc, the fucking dialog gets to a point where sometimes 2-3 of the options will give the same result, and ugh. Ruins so much of it for me.
I spent a lot of the good part of the past decade ignoring tech reviewer content because I hadn’t been into that side of things for whatever reason at the time. This past month or so I’ve been binging LTT content as an entertainment source. Ironic how that works.
However, before any of this came to light and watching Linus be an absolute terror on their sets and to the hardware they work with. I’ve come to the conclusion that Linus’ hyper ass needs to be on a leash more times than not. There’s been quite a few videos where I was excited about the product they were discussing and then the video ended up going a totally different direction than I had wanted it to, or just a plain old non-content video where everything worked correctly, perfectly, right off the bat. Or they do the most janky solution to a simple problem and it sours that whole video for me. (Or series of videos for that matter.) cougheverything they’ve done at linus’ housecough
All this said, they do seem like good hearted people and I hope they can pull their heads out of their asses and get this fixed. WE deserve it as consumers.
Imagine getting a steam deck and you’re out and about and you use your hotspot so you can play a game. Your game needs to be updated. Now imagine you have the $35 plan. You won’t even make it to playing your game before you get throttled to 128KB/s.
Hotspots are the new thing they’ve modeled the plans around. First it was minutes, then it was texting, then it was data, now it’s hotspots.
edit: I’ve been arguing about this with them for ages because we WERE on a grandfathered plan from when they bought out cingular. They got rid of our plan (Kicked us off said plan.) and these are the only 3 options they have left.
edit2: Forgot to mention. The rationale they give for this is that they “don’t want people using their cellular data to replace their home internet”. is what use for radar. (There’s an app for it too.)
Yeah, it’s weird. Everything is still in the same place but somehow the eyes looks further from the mouth. He must be melting.