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☞ “Information wants to be free”

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


whole east Europe is tier 2. What an influence Turkey has!

if somebody was on meta today, they won’t be leaving now just because there will be less moderation tomorrow.

like smokers, in some way. What more does a smoker need to learn to stop smoking?

go make zuckerberg more money, book your face, you have nothing to hide!

repeating “T-72 Is The Best Tank on Earth” a dozen times in a poorly written article without any sources is definitely very convincing

the article starts with this paragraph ☞

In a scene from the The Rings of Power, Amazon’s lavish but somewhat unloved Lord of the Rings prequel, a mob of sword-wielding, scaly-faced orcs go at Sauron like a table of famished diners at a bloody steak. Seemingly vanquished, the wannabe Dark Lord pulls off a disappearing trick only to return as a misshapen tangle of black fibers, gorging on vermin and eventually people until he is rebuilt in human form, albeit unrecognizable.

i stopped reading after this.

renamed your files 🤔

how? it doesn’t even have the option to rename

  • enable hotspot on the first device
  • connect the second device to this hotspot
  • open localSend on both
  • send and receive

i have an always on vpn, so i have to disable rules and conditions for localSend.

hotspot works fine.

one connects to other’s hotspot and both can send/receive files. Helps when you’re out in the middle of nowhere

localsend makes it easy.

i used it for android to android, android to mac, mac to ipad, &c

i as a fool can confirm that it’s “fool proof”

where is France, i wonder, compared to these two giants, as a country that’s mostly nuclear for the last ±70 years 🤔


lawnchair because of its customizability. icons i want (or made) where i want them to be.

i disable all widgets and feeds anyway so the simpler it’s, the better it is for me. A launcher should become invisible. It should be forgotten behind muscle memory.

arcticons minimal icons also help.

debate about New Caledonia’s status is “none of my business”.

vous étés en Nouvelle-Calédonie peut-être ?

isn’t the title misleading?

tiktok isn’t banned in france. Paris is trying to reimpose itself on New Caledonia by all means. A correct title would be: Tiktok ban in New Caledonia makes VPN usage soar

it’s probably temporary. Either they go free and tiktok is back, or Paris regains control and tiktok is back 🤷

New Caledonia riots: parts of territory ‘out of state control’, French representative says

We will fight until Kanaky is free’: how New Caledonia caught fire

👉 The Daily: How Biden Adopted Trump’s Trade War With China

if you think joe is “genocide”, wait and see what will happen when donald goes back into the white house!

where were these protests when it was the U.$. itself that was doing the invading? They probably thought that there were no civilians hurt in Iraq?

“genocide joe” 🤦

merde alorsto[email protected]...

did you try installing with Aurora?

not a reply to “why” but a solution maybe

very few, compared to the current world population

happy now?

the word ‘rival’ doesn’t necessarily mean that Tesla is ahead.

but i’m not an expert on this subject either. I’ve heard/read/watched about BYD, i have yet to see one while I see Teslas everyday. I know that globally BYD is selling more, but in Europe it’s still Tesla that sells more.

I would never buy a Tesla and i think the world would be a better place tomorrow, if elonMusk drops dead right now.

my favorite car is this thing :)

many people buy oogle Pixel to use it with GrapheneOS. It doesn’t sound silly at all

you should be able to do that through your network operator / service provider

why are they promoting Vivaldi alongside Firefox?

Why is Vivaldi a good browser?

hello fellow lemming,

i’m sharing an article that i thought is interesting, on a related community.

i quoted a paragraph from the article, i am not asking a question.

sharing an article won’t even necessarily mean that i agree with it.

only those who care about “clicks” blame others for doing things for clicks. I don’t give a damn about clicks.

what the fuck is wrong with you?!

"Google has taken great pains to appear more open than Apple, licensing the Android operating system to third parties like Samsung and allowing users to install apps via other methods than the Play store. Apple does neither. When it comes to exclusivity, Apple has become synonymous with “walled garden” in the public imagination. So why did a jury find that Google held a monopoly but Apple didn’t?"

in the last techlore video they say that fDroid updates are frozen.

plus some more info

install droid-ify and activate izzy, guardian, divestOS and other relevant repos