they don’t “choose to be dumb”. Same minority of people who are exploiting you, wherever you are, are also exploiting a great majority of people in the parts of the world you call “west”.
It’s easier to manipulate people when they’re “dumbed” down. Media is bought and controlled to form opinions and spending on education is minimized. Most people aren’t even exposed to ideas that can create a spark in their minds.
“People in the West” are not your enemy. Their masters are all peoples’ enemies.
i have no problems with “hating the US/West” but thinking that Putin’s Russia is part of a some kind of a “free world” is another kind of
“hate the US/West” as much as you like… but don’t stop there.
not my words, i was referring to Plato’s Phaedrus to make fun of the “ai bad” comment. I’m sorry. Forgive me.
Socrates tells a brief legend, critically commenting on the gift of writing from the Egyptian god Theuth to King Thamus, who was to disperse Theuth’s gifts to the people of Egypt. After Theuth remarks on his discovery of writing as a remedy for the memory, Thamus responds that its true effects are likely to be the opposite; it is a remedy for reminding, not remembering, he says, with the appearance but not the reality of wisdom. Future generations will hear much without being properly taught, and will appear wise but not be so, making them difficult to get along with.
No written instructions for an art can yield results clear or certain, Socrates states, but rather can only remind those that already know what writing is about. Furthermore, writings are silent; they cannot speak, answer questions, or come to their own defense.
Accordingly, the legitimate sister of this is, in fact, dialectic; it is the living, breathing discourse of one who knows, of which the written word can only be called an image. The one who knows uses the art of dialectic rather than writing:
“The dialectician chooses a proper soul and plants and sows within it discourse accompanied by knowledge—discourse capable of helping itself as well as the man who planted it, which is not barren but produces a seed from which more discourse grows in the character of others. Such discourse makes the seed forever immortal and renders the man who has it happy as any human being can be.”
add this repo ☞
the article starts with this paragraph ☞
In a scene from the The Rings of Power, Amazon’s lavish but somewhat unloved Lord of the Rings prequel, a mob of sword-wielding, scaly-faced orcs go at Sauron like a table of famished diners at a bloody steak. Seemingly vanquished, the wannabe Dark Lord pulls off a disappearing trick only to return as a misshapen tangle of black fibers, gorging on vermin and eventually people until he is rebuilt in human form, albeit unrecognizable.
i stopped reading after this.
android has a neat little “folder player” ☞
localsend makes it easy.
i used it for android to android, android to mac, mac to ipad, &c
i as a fool can confirm that it’s “fool proof”
where is France, i wonder, compared to these two giants, as a country that’s mostly nuclear for the last ±70 years 🤔
isn’t the title misleading?
tiktok isn’t banned in france. Paris is trying to reimpose itself on New Caledonia by all means. A correct title would be: Tiktok ban in New Caledonia makes VPN usage soar
it’s probably temporary. Either they go free and tiktok is back, or Paris regains control and tiktok is back 🤷
☞ New Caledonia riots: parts of territory ‘out of state control’, French representative says
☞ We will fight until Kanaky is free’: how New Caledonia caught fire
👉 The Daily: How Biden Adopted Trump’s Trade War With China
if you think joe is “genocide”, wait and see what will happen when donald goes back into the white house!
where were these protests when it was the U.$. itself that was doing the invading? They probably thought that there were no civilians hurt in Iraq?
“genocide joe” 🤦
did you try installing with Aurora?
not a reply to “why” but a solution maybe
the word ‘rival’ doesn’t necessarily mean that Tesla is ahead.
but i’m not an expert on this subject either. I’ve heard/read/watched about BYD, i have yet to see one while I see Teslas everyday. I know that globally BYD is selling more, but in Europe it’s still Tesla that sells more.
I would never buy a Tesla and i think the world would be a better place tomorrow, if elonMusk drops dead right now.
my favorite car is this thing :)
they’re so free that they don’t even select their own rulers