Numbers 1 and 4 are just baffling to me. Blizzard’s strengths have always been (or at least previously were) game balancing and writing interesting stories with compelling and complex characters. Overwatch 1 was a departure from the writing front, but Overwatch 2 seems to be where they just chucked it all out the window.
It’s a very different answer from the others here, but Psychonauts 2 is gorgeous. The animation is incredible and the visual design is totally unique.
Here’s a video that talks about some of the animation and cinematography in Psychonauts 2:
One thing that Blizzard has always been good about it making games that can run on a potato. It’ll look like crap and your view distance will be obnoxiously short, but you can run WoW on a potato of a laptop and still participate in the core gameplay. Obviously, there’s lots of options to crank up the graphics to 11/10 if you have a powerful computer, but I really appreciate that they lower the hardware barrier to entry where they can.