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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Before you get too upset, remind yourself that a lot of people involved in any AAA game will talk about how beautiful and authentic it was supposed to be.

If that “logic” helps you cope, fine, but its effectiveness will probably deteriorate rapidly over time. Enjoy knowing that the next four years are partially your fault.

I don’t know anything about how this character is used in the game, so please pardon my ignorance. Having said that: the bow tie has a huge advantage in that it never has to move. If the duck waddles along, the tie should move side-to-side independently. If the duck jumps, is hit, or near wind or an explosion, the tie will need independent animations for each circumstance. If the duck is carried, the neck tie should always point down, unless it’s fast or wobbly; then the tie should move accordingly. I’m sure there are other circumstances I haven’t mentioned, but you get the point.

Wow. I have overthought this.

From a development perspective, I lean strongly towards the bow tie. It’s much simpler. Also, as another commenter mentioned, that top hat demands a bow tie.

My first reaction to Concord’s record-breaking failure was sympathy for all the staff who had worked on and polished the game for years. All that dedication, passion, and effort, wasted.

Then, I found out the game had been live service, and my reaction could be simplified to one word: GOOD.

Lots of bigoted edgelords have lots of management positions… they just aren’t actually on 4chan.

…now you shouldn’t get any more bombshell texts from extended family, in the game at least.

Okay, that’s a good line.

The industry has created this problem. They’re the ones who got players used to abundant patches and expansions. It’s not fair to blame them now.

I hope the director insists on bloody knuckles from punching trees.

… casinos and hotels.

On one hand, that’s weird AF. On the other, I would definitely stay at (and probably steal towels from) the Hotel Atari.

That’s what I’d like clarification on. Publicizing trade secrets is one thing. Merely giving an opinion is quite another.

You know what would be even better for the long term? A large variety of games with less bullshit. Suck it, Microsoft.

Why is Antarctica on the list? Is it considered a country?

Well, the “gets paid in pizza” bit made me chuckle