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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


I’ve written sources although not links, which takes 5 brain cells to look up. Obviously I took IT earning averages per year. I compared Berlin to Warsaw which is clearly written in my response which you would know if you actually read it.

If you don’t want to put in any effort your comments are worthless, ending this conversation, bye

Let calculate then

Germany tax is up to 42% scalling linearly from 10k to 58 k Eur.

Polish B2B has tax of 12%.

Comparing capitals, Berlin is 28.3% more expensive than Warsaw (including rent).

Average salaries are estimated like this: 65125 EUR Germany (38358 after all taxes) 25200 EUR Poland (17207 after all taxes)

You earn 122% more in Germany.

  • Minus cost of living it’s 95% So it’s 2x more

One more thing to consider is buying apartment prices, which are 41% cheaper in Warsaw (outside of city center) and 33.5% cheaper in city center.

So Is it worth moving for some poeple? Definetely, you were right. But person from Poland probably usually will get below average earnings there. Aside from that, person earning top 20% it earnings in Poland would be still taxed 12% when in German all of this goes to 42%. So for top of a line IT specialists this difference is smaller.

Is it as bad as you paint it? No, it’s barely 2x, not close to 3x.

Is it worth moving for me? Hell no, because I work remotely from small city in Poland which is 49% cheaper than Berlin and property prices are dirt cheap.

Numbers are taken from numbeo for costs of living and property prices. Salaries average are taken from online sources, and calculation of taxes was made by online calculators taking into consideration Healthcare etc.

I took normal employment contract values for Germany, because I heard from German coworkers this is the most common and preferred by employers there.

Besides all of that, when you are already earning top 85-90% salaries in the country, it depends a lot on the person if they even need more money. Programmers in Poland can afford anything they want that is not multi-milioneere stuff like yachts or very expensive cars. So why would you leave everyone and everything and move? It makes way more sense to move for people that do not earn a lot of money to Poland.

Poland right now actually have too many developers in the country - so I would expect more Companies open offices as earnings stabilized

Yet it’s still not worth for polish programmers to move literally anywhere - cost of living ratio to the earning is so great that devs don’t even move from Poland

Why would they shake? If anything they are happy because we will get more high quality games and they support polish economy

Rip, in EU they cannot force targeting cookies so we can see

We need Ai adblockers as fast as possible. They could even recognize ad banners on video feed and just cover them / fit screen with auto-generated fill based on pixels around

Conviction rate is that high because people are admitting things they didn’t do once arested. Why? Because otherwise police will keep you in custody for months. Every attorney says it’s better to admit because you will quicker be able to leave the custody. So conviction rate is unrealistically high.

If it was someone with certain rights he could theoretically remove trace of this from the history. In git you can do it by rewriting history and force pushing

Going through the comments, I think it’s clear to conclude this should be a choice to configure this tile. Some people prefer single tap to turn off, some don’t

I could never go back to wired earphones though, they were way too annoying

This is not a skin, it’s a pure android probably on pixel device

If you are ok with this, you are naive and not thinking about what will happen next. They will obviously push this bar higher with next game if they feel like it’s acceptable because people didn’t protest enough. Next game you might find yourself having to buy map access because they will say it’s more realistic to play the game without the map, and then add micro transaction for it. Defending and accepting practices like this is basically destroying our gaming future. That’s exactly how we ended up with games like Diablo 4 Micro transactions + 70 euro + paid expansions + battlepass in one game and there are still people defending it.

For people here, give last epoch a try. Studio is fair, game is better than diablo 4 and more modern than POE. Really fun to play

I remember times when miui was genuinely good, not bloated, well designed. Nowadays I think it’s the most bloated android skin.

Nowadays it’s $70 pricetag + paid battlepass + micro transactions + paid expansions. All this money yet every triple A game is getting shittier and shitter.

For now they are, when they are happy with new software they will remove old panel, because otherwise they would have to keep updating two apps with same new changes.

I like how you dismissed all the points that were inconvinient, and twisted one point as if I said Linux couldn’t be preinstalled. I said it’s rarely preinstalled on PCs and laptops. When was last time 45 year old dad you know installed Linux by himself, or installed custom android rom for that matter? It’s way easier to just buy laptop with preinstalled windows.

Problem is that if someone is casual user, he won’t be able to install Linux. And windows is preinstalled almost always. And then if someone is advanced user and gamer, Linux is still much worse for that than windows

On chess.com smurfing is actually not permitted, but chess grandmaster can play on special accounts to do fun challenges and all of the elo is refunded to the players that they beat.

There is this notion going that league of legends ranking system is good which is strange. Full of smurfs ranking up, full of bad players deranking after buying boosted accounts, and few actually players that want to win and are trying really hard, but at the end of the day, if you are not the type of player that can extremely carry, result of your game is decided before you even start playing. And then they removed ability to see teammates nicknames, so I can’t dodge obvious trolls anymore, and have to play in the team with people that have for example 30 ranked games played with around 40% winrate.

well flip phones solve some of those issues, because you can partially use them closed, and they are smaller in the pocket. Folds are bigger though

Flip phones have only one advantage - they are smaller in the pocket. Folds have advantage of turning into mini tablets, but huge downsides of battery life in this mode, and thickness in the pocket. Maybe in the future, if they manage to make them even thinner.