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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


Game developers also like to get paid, if early access wouldn’t be an option we would have far less indie games and far more half baked 1.0 releases. No one is forcing you to buy ea titles.

Almost every game is a indie game at this time, stop looking for big capital games

It should take about 20 matches or less to give you a decent rating, what games have you played that took longer?

Anno sure is great, sadly it’s not on a platform I’m willing to play on.

Rimworld has an amazing soundtrack

Never played it but from what i heard it’s kinda like mass effect in medieval fantasy

Yeah I could never switch back to C:S1, game has huge issues and the Performance is the smallest imo, but the ideas are great and i already had lots of fun with it

Why? If you want to save money just pirate the games, if you go on with this you hurt the developers

That was kinds doable in cs1 with mass transit, atleast private cars would see little use with lots of public transportation, did some island without a bridge and it worked fine. I believe you can give Industries train access now so i am hopefull

Ok keep being angry and keep your fomo for missing tiny bits behind a paywall, i will enjoy the base game a few handpicked dlcs and tons of mods.

Your claim was that Paradox max discount is 50% so have a look at cs1 base games and bundles.

That’s just untrue base game was 30€ on launch iirc and i saw it below 6. Main Dlc’s also went for 30 bucks so with 50% you can get 6 of them for below 100 thats basicly all the dlcs that matter for gameplay

E: you also forgot to take stuff like the starter bundle into Account

How do you get into the hundreds then? Bought the base game and mass transit at full price and a few dlcs at sale and i’m at about 100 bucks. I’m not a fan of the paradox model aswell but you don’t have make it worse than it is, you don’t need the eifeltower and a new radio station to play a great game

Just wait for a sale, you could have bought the base game and the most important dlcs for below 50

NOLF was great, it just had a bad timing with the release