Spelunky 1 and Spelunky 2 by far. 1000+ hours in each I still never got to the Sunken City :-(
Beyond that: Dwarf Fortress, Road Rash/Road Redemption, Oblivion, The Halos (1-3)
Someone had to put it in a song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-K2rUP86M
Every xbox360 console I have owned or known others to own was defective within a short timespan. I would never trust their hardware ever again.
Spelunky 1 and Spelunky 2 by far. 1000+ hours in each I still never got to the Sunken City :-(
Beyond that: Dwarf Fortress, Road Rash/Road Redemption, Oblivion, The Halos (1-3)