Aren’t you also effectively down-resing the 4 screens? You’re not running 4x 1080p streams, you’re running 540p, textures can be downscaled with no perceptual loss. Non-consoles are already designed to be adaptive to system resources, so I don’t see why you need two completely different sets of assets. (IANA dev)
I’m going on a long plane ride, so I have my phone loaded with Zelda Link Between Worlds and some Mario 3d Land for 3DS. I have Titan Quest and Baldurs Gate 2 on my Chromebook. I’m probably going to be tending to kids the entire flight, realistically.
I just started up Spiderman Remastered. I hate the militarized police propaganda, but as an action game, zipping around on webs and aerial combat is entertaining.
but what did you think “fuck” meant?
I’ve only bought one phone new retail, the rest have been used from eBay for my partner and I. I’ll typically go with a reseller (they typically have better prices and Buy It Now, instead of individuals who still like the auctions).
I like to support reusing items as a matter of course and am willing to skip out on the unboxing fun, like peeling the stickers off, etc. I don’t recall any issue I’ve had that wasn’t resolved quickly by the seller.
You might think that fist shaking will make a publisher change. Look at the history of buggy game releases. It’s extensive. Look at all that fist shaking.
Publishers are run by people. People respond to incentives. Business is incentivized to gain dollars.
If, for example, no one gave publishers dollars until trusted reviewers verified no bugs / issues, the publishers would be incentivized to release polished products. (note, trusted reviewers may not be the ideal solution, but hopefully illustrates the concept)
Thanks for the tip, I’m trying to be google-free, so I’m testing it out. A little too late for election season, oh well