Totally get that. And of course!
I think stuff that gets you out of the same headspace and even room in which you game can help reprioritize things.
Video editing is a super useful skill and it may make you want to go out and capture different shots or compile something for someone else, too. My highschool buddy started getting into AV stuff a while ago and just did a really good job compiling the highlights of another of our friend’s weddings and I guarantee all of us are gonna keep that file on some drive for a long time!
As others have said, if it’s that progression loop kinda thing you’re stuck in like with an MMO or online shooter, I say kick that stuff as fast as you can.
If you really wanna keep going with some of the MMO stuff, look into hosting your own game. My buddies and I love old school World of Warcraft and finally decided to host our own server which has been a game changer.
Idk if that’s all gonna be applicable, but you can cut down or out a lot of stuff by just identifying what “itch” is scratched by your gaming. If you take steps to control how you consume that media, you are more aware of the time commitment and effect it has on you.
Hope that helps and it’s awesome you’re looking to introspect about your hobbies!
Honestly, mine came about organically with other responsibilities and interests.
Earlier on, I’d moderated myself but picking up another hobby, like playing bass guitar and adding that into my priorities.
Once out of college, other priorities, like making better than decent meals, my significant other, and continuing my tabletop RPG crew kinda helped me stop spending endless weekend or day off hours on a game.
Probably, the largest piece for me is having a family and a friend group that I care to keep up with. When I was younger, I escaped through games, but now I use them more like how I use a book or TV series and look for experiences I’ll find meaningful instead of just grinding rep or xp points in a loop.
The article mentions First Order and Resistance which are the two factions in the sequels.
I think if it were set in the high republic, that would be my preference as well. Although, the pool of potential customers would likely be different if they didn’t tie it to the sequels. I get their advertising from a current brand recognition and hyping up their new content point of view, but for my money, I’d be way more interested in a trip set during the prequels or sorta like early empire as well.
High republic would be my favorite, if done well, and likely the safest for Disney as they could advertise their new high republic content, but that’s still in its infancy, so I see why they decided to tie it to the sequels.
Edit: Left out a few words because I’m on mobile lol
Yeah, very interesting and sounds like a really cool experience. I think tying it to the sequels was a meh choice and kinda pigeonholes some stuff to focus on their advertising, but the basic bones of it sound neat.
I’m sure the real world issues of corporate and state politics/clashes had some hand in its shuttering as it looks like Disney is kinda slowly pulling out of Florida, but if the success of attractions like this and their other Star Wars interactive sites will fuel further projects like this, I’m down!
Yeah, I still haven’t thought about what I’d want to do for the next playthrough, but I’m sure I’ll discover more about my preferences as I keep playing my moon druid.
Definitely went into it with a “okay this is gonna be a slice of the game and I’m okay with that” mentality so I don’t think I feel as much pressure from class constraints.
I do wanna get more into the martial classes, but the companions are good enough to scratch that itch currently. I’m loving that you can respec if you really want, but I’d probably just use that to swap specializations for some of my companions anyway.
My girlfriend loves teasing me about how long it took for me to decide on a character. Playing a druid and have absolutely no regrets. Love talking to animals!
The only things I get fomo over are mechanics I discovered a bit later or didn’t remember to use in certain situations. My mind is continually blown by the depth and versatility of Baldur’s Gate 3.
IP/Copyright law is a fucking joke and a scam.