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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Oct 23, 2024


Try new genres, you’ll get bored of gaming if you stick to GTA adjacent things for your whole life.


Great, but why this game in particular? It was never one of the top sonics

13-3 and 14 1.0 are complete trash imo. And some of that era leaked into 15, sending it into development hell. But aside from that, no. They’re held to a higher standard so a FF that’s only a B+ is seen as a complete failure and the internet spends a decade hateposting about it.

Never buy “gaming” audio gear. Audio is the same no matter what you use it for. Buy something in the $100 price range marketed for audio production. The design will be plain and solid black, but you’ll get at least 50% more value for your money. Sennheiser is usually good.

iirc sega recently decided that persona and yakuza have to release one game every year. They just hide it well since lots of them are remakes or optional sidegames

If you ever get into a EMMI QTE you’ve done something wrong. The QTE is a glorified game over screen, the 1% chance of escaping is only there to make it scarier with false hope

Going to use this thread to recommend AM2R which is so high quality Nintendo could have made it themselves. It also has a great Prime-style OST in a 2d game which none of the other games have done

(fuck nazis, but) bro you are 10000% too deep into this. It’s just an operating system. You might as well boycott paper because they use a lot of that in the white house too

I’ve never heard of SE being known for bad code except for when they first started doing pc ports. 13-1 and 13-2 were bad but they figured it out by 13-3.

Just get a switch, the entire crisis about this gen causing a second industry crash is nonexistent over there. We got like six new games for xmas

Think I know what happened here. Apple will reject updates if there’s anything broken or outdated in it. ie, support for a new screen aspect ratio, the dynamic island thing, new processor type, new version of Xcode, etc. Square can’t just fix one bug and ship it, they have to also check for and update anything that may have fallen a few years out of date. Sometimes you just recompile and click a few new checkboxes, sometimes it’s more work. If the app’s profits are winding down already, it could make more sense (to bean counters who don’t care about game preservation) to retire the app entirely.

If somehow id1 was wiped off of all computers in the world

Includes videos, screenshots, etc

He’s probably right but it feels like I accidentally clicked on a ragebait channel and my algorithm is going to be weird for a few days.

I did use slack; we had general channels with tons of people and smaller channels/meeting rooms with 5-30 people. If it was a 5-30 channel they can be found.

Fuck off; this is doxxing and mass harassment. If you want social change go ahead but do it peacefully.

Even so, they’re going find this person fast. ABK staff just has to cross reference all the participants of leaked meetings

Most FPSs give me the same feeling. Whenever I play one I keep a second relaxing game going as well because some days it’s not the right call

When that game came out I bought AC4 for $5 instead. Had a fun time and the graphics still look modern anyway

Probably both. But within 5-10 years it’ll only be the realm of tech demos and indie games, not AAA

Tiny models only get stupid like that because you’re taking a general purpose model that knows everything in the world and compressing all that knowledge too much. If you start with a model that only knows basic english and info about a few hundred things in the game, it can be much smaller.

I know prices are static, all those 90s games cost me $60 too. Part of the reason why i can’t blame them that much

This seems fine given the scale of the game and assuming it’s not bad, but it’s more worrying how it will lead to $100 shovelware five years from now. We already had Zelda at $70 (also worth it) so i could see a trend forming.

They don’t need a ton of ram if you use a tiny LLM customized for the game’s use cases, and that’s what games would be doing.

Since games take 5+ years to make now we’re probably in for a wave of metaverse products.

no it’s like fortnite or cod. They’re usually quickplay multiplayer games with a low cost to entry, infinite grinding potential, and microtransaction hell

I’m not saying they’re doing the right thing but this is always such an overreaction. Among all the evil in the world today nintendo’s actions are relatively minor, and widespread piracy gives them a plausible legal basis for doing it

You might get one dual console launch game like twilight princess or BotW but that’s it. If switch 1 could run elden ring or FF7R they’d have had ports years ago

It would have killed xmas hardware sales so no

idk anything about FPS’s but I know that they’re not all dead

  • SNES
  • Every handheld console except for the DS and Switch was a copypaste + upgrade from the last one. GB Pocket, GB Color, GB Advance, GBA SP, GBA Micro, DS Lite, 3DS, 2DS, New 3DS, 3DS XL

  • Getting to the final boss of persona 3 as my first SMT game, feeling actually scared irl, fighting it for over an hour and then getting wiped out when it had zero pixels of hp bar left. The party AI was sabotaging me and I was coming up with new strategies in real time to counteract it, it was great
  • The final dungeon of FFIV-2 (yes I agree most of the game is shit). I had to finish it in one night because it was the end of spring break and I was driving back to college the next day. My real world scheduling was good but I didn’t plan for it to be the longest final dungeon in FF history. Luckily this was the best part of the game and I played for 12 hours until sunrise, delirious while taking down the final boss and getting to see the credits roll.

Ten years of early retirement is probably enough time to refuel his interest in creating