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Cake day: Oct 23, 2024


Incoming Administration promises to protect oil and gas oligarchs by limiting renewables/batteries/EVs, including potentially destroying big 3 automakers with Canadian/Mexico tariffs. Harming Tesla competitors with loses on their NA investments in batteries and EVs, that includes tariffs on JPN ROK batteries. Coercion of EU colonies is likely to force their dependence on extortionist US oil and LNG imports if they want to keep US in NATO, for the privilege of buying extortionist US weapons. NATO CIA stooge leader is telling EU that they need to give up pensions, social security, and healthcare, and institute drafts, to get to 3% of GDP military spending targets. EU blaming immigrants from US sponsored destroyed lands, instead of their own US subjugation, is certain to be the political climate for abandoning sustainability and prosperity.

Coercing US consumers on NG electricity expansions, with increased LNG exports, together with datacenter expansions, is attempt at boosting NG prices, even when $2/mmbtu is not competitive with solar for new electricity. Utility oligarchs are certain to feed better at the trough if they support NG extortion agenda instead of renewables.

The main point is that in addition to cheaper energy, outside of US extortionist energy pricing, foreign datacenters also allow for global customers.

Capitalism is a useless word. Markets and property ownership (communal property is property) exist naturally. Oligarchism and Corporatism (supremacy of those classes) are narrowly defined words. US philosophy is industrial policy to maximize oligarchist/corportist supremacy and profits. Chinese industrial policy maximizes abundance, and overall policy restricts oligarchist excess. It directs massive job creating investment, but doesn’t interfere with market wages, as labour supremacist opposition parties in the west advocate for.

A bigger deal is that they are open source.

China does have a “delete America” program, and I saw an announcement, not repeated in west, that they banned Intel, AMD, Nvidia for certain Chinese customers about 2 weeks ago. Nvidia still has a big interconnect, CUDA, and driver stability advantage in GPUs, but China is catching up on price/performance, and national security makes this an area of high investment. A Chinese Nvidia solution is to just host AI training in Thailand. Hosted costs for AI in China are 1/7th the cost of cheapest US option (Llama).

Extreme US climate terrorist energy corruption is going to limit US datacenter and affordable electricity for all. Mexico has an opportunity for electricity exports and datacenter hosting with access to Chinese energy.

sorry to be triggering, but there is a link between zionists using “Jews have a history of oppression” linking to “everything a zionist says is true” is a related tactic to “empowerment advocacy” doesn’t stop after equality achieved. Hate crime legislation was sponsored by zionists, but they welcomed allies into broadening protections. Flipping out over the comment is a supremacist tactic.

Jewish Supremacism was the instigating lobby for such laws. They wanted to enable other “supremacist liberal-themed” movements to take advantage, and hopefully ally, with Zionism. Me too, at the height of the cultural wars, essentially was representing that women can never lie.

An inherent problem with equality, awareness for oppressed groups, advocacy is that the advocacy never stops at equality. The ADL is canonical example of supremacist overreach.

Which makes the blob anti-semitic for saying anti-zionism is anti-semitic.

I actually do think “zionist” is in itself a fairly useless term for the Israeli apartheid question (as Norman Finkelstein and Judith Butler do too).

Do any of the forms of zionism (a belief that they should own the land) involve market purchases of the land they would like? (instead of settler colonial theft?)

They probably don’t like zionazi either. Neither this nor zionist is a code word for Jew. The entire political class, the great majority being Christian, and their donors are zionist, because going with the flow of AIPAC is path to get your candidates to also serve your oligarchist or Christofascist protections.

Netanyahuists or likudists or Mossadists or Epsteinists ok?

BTW, Chuck Shumer is going to allow a vote in Senate over this “criticism of zionism is anti semitic” law in US. Reddit also supports mods who recomend permabans over criticism of zionism already.

It’s a weird design for a robotaxi specific car. I guess it can be cheap as a 2 seater. But other manufacturers are investing in the robotics needed for low cost cars. The aero dynamics aren’t typically helpful for taxis. I understand he will try to milk existing models until FSD instead of innovating on them.

As the US forces Russia to rapidly expand military production, and overspends on broken systems, expect much more of these “we need to spend everything on military” pleads from the public.