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Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


I for one love photo mode, I take dozens and dozens of photos on most locations im doing gigs, it’s like a vlogger merc roleplay, so I appreciate the updates

I got the big sad on Judy’s diving quest, she goes on about how tha one corpo inundated the whole place for profits.

Or even the El’Captain quest where you need to go steal a medical truck because the corpos where poisoning his whole neighborhood real bad for years.

I can find more examples of these “small” atrocities, I think they are meant to infuriate you over time, problem by problem, and not display a big single thing you’ll hate forever

right? I’m lvl 170, 60vit and light armor (fashion)

I only die if I get pummeled down, stun locked or get hit consecutively by charged attacks

the dlc is indeed harder, but nothing unfair

The thing is what is the consensus of “runs well”? Is it a FPS constant? No glitches? Fast loads?

My point is, a game can come shitty and run a constant 30 fps under the “recommended” since that’s what they thought was appropriate

Is a gray area that should be more descriptive, not sure why downvote me

Not that I remember, true that it didn’t handle the last gen consoles, and that it was marketed as quite demanding

Sadly “minimum” or “recommended” just tells us the game runs, not that it runs well

thats was just a loud minority talking about super max setting with Raytracing and 4k

that can’t be true, it’s way too simple, there must be a catch somewhere

you’re missing out hundreds and thousands of awesome fan made content, there’s even entire fan made dlcs

who decides how the game is gonna be monetized is not the devs, but the lead board, and if you get a lead game developer in there you’re lucky

I think the problem is just that, the game is… okay, not bad or good, just okay, unremarkable and forgettable.

If you want good sales you need to do something innovative and interesting, or something cliché but really well done.

Taking a look at Doom 2016 (also a single player shooter) we can see the core gameplay: Shoot demons, Pick up ammo, Shoot more demons. But it’s crafted so masterfully that you spend dozens or hundreds of hours doing just that.

Now with this game that I actually forgot the name mid comment, It’s… well you get the ideia.

Kyle Hill has a nice video about power plants waste disposal, one of cleanest methods there is.

edit: he actually went to the plant and showed how it’s done

Of course It is, the incompetent and ignorant people that try to hinder it’s use is the problem