This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
There might be a way to restore firmware from here:
But aside from that, I think I’m out of further ideas.
Interesting. Do you have it plugged into something that might be putting it in some kind of file transfer mode? I think this logo is different from the usual vendor logo. I also wonder if maybe this is your recovery mode and it doesn’t offer a GUI. This doesn’t seem to match screenshots that I can find online regarding the recovery mode of this tablet.
We could also try to talk to it over USB via fastboot, but that might be hairy and may still not lead anywhere.
Unfortunately, file recovery is unlikely. Most systems today have locked bootloaders and encryption by default for userdata. If you can’t get into the main OS, the data is typically lost.
With that said, you mentioned this is older hardware. Have you tried booting it with different combinations of power + volume buttons held to see if you can reach a bootloader menu?
What exactly is the surveillance part of this article? So far it seemed like a normal application developer conference deal but the page reloaded and now I only get paywall. I found myself feeling rather unsurprised.
Who would believe that a business as big as Apple wouldn’t comply with law enforcement requests in the first place? Of course they would when technically possible. They’re in the business of making money first, not defending you.
That’s true, but I would like to see improvements driven along the consumer segment also. AI rendering is a nice software addition but I could easily see it becoming a distraction from hardware improvements.
Consumers generally can’t just throw more money at a problem in the way that professional and business can.
Thanks for the additional info! I don’t think this is good enough. The project is still under the GPL because it made use of GPL-licensed code.
Generally such an approach still has problems because you have to be sure you’ve replaced every single piece of GPL and that the new code wasn’t written simply re-implementing knowledge of the old code else there may still be an argument that the current iteration must comply with the GPL. He isn’t publicly providing evidence that he has permission from every contributor, so we can’t validate he isn’t misusing GPL code. However, this isn’t my main concern.
If you have anyone who has seen the GPL code write new code, that code is arguably also under the GPL. This has caused problems for other projects. If you really want to replace the GPL code, you have to bring new people in and write all the missing pieces. He is not free to implement this code himself because he has been tainted by knowledge of the viral code that was tightly integrated to the project in the past.
Again I am not a lawyer but this seems to be the general consensus on what you must do to implement this change properly. How I read this, the project is still under the GPL.
This is probably illegal. I am not a lawyer, but when you have 114 contributors who provided their code under the terms of the GPL, you can’t just change your mind later. The GPL doesn’t work like that. You have to actually own the code as its copyright holder if you want to license it under a new license. Generally speaking, those other contributors retain copyright to their work, so unless you release your project under the GPL in perpetuity you would need to get the consent of all those contributors first. It’s not your code to license. You must obey the GPL that you agreed to when you included their work.
[…] the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program–to make sure it remains free software for all its users. […]
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
Any of your contributors can now turn around and assert that you are now distributing their GPL code in violation of the license. The GPL is quite clear that you need to respect the rights of the users to freely modify and redistribute derivative works. Because the GPL is viral, all you need to do is find the tiniest contribution that was made when the project was GPL to assert that all of the code must comply with the terms of the GPL and you can produce your derivative works as permitted by such a license. The legal risk of GPL contamination is very real and makes a more restrictive license practically unenforceable without a cleanroom rewriting of the project from scratch.
Also, Creative Commons licenses should never be applied to software as done here. These legal tools are designed for media, and the website itself indicates that the licenses are inappropriate because they don’t address software specific concerns like patents and development by multiple contributors.
Unlike software-specific licenses, CC licenses do not contain specific terms about the distribution of source code, which is often important to ensuring the free reuse and modifiability of software. Many software licenses also address patent rights, which are important to software but may not be applicable to other copyrightable works. Additionally, our licenses are currently not compatible with the major software licenses, so it would be difficult to integrate CC-licensed work with other free software. Existing software licenses were designed specifically for use with software and offer a similar set of rights to the Creative Commons licenses.
Overall, this looks like a naïve attempt to prevent derivative works, but escaping the GPL is not so easy. The GPL was written to prevent you from doing this sort of thing.
ADDENDUM: Just in case the developer ever happens to find this comment, I want to say that I have a lot of compassion for the problems he is facing. I have maintained open source projects before, and watching your community get fragmented, your work disrespected, and failure to acknowledge that this is a hobby you’re doing in your free time weighs heavily upon you. I think this move is incorrect, but I acknowledge I’m not providing a viable alternative. I don’t know what the correct response should be.
Quite a stretch to call this Flappy Bird. It’s more like: trademark sniped and name being reused to snag unsuspecting users looking for the original game.
New game by the same name is obvious cash grab. Of course it would be. Its entire purpose is name squatting the real Flappy Bird. They even went so far as to name themselves The Flappy Bird Foundation with no real relation to the titular game, for the express purpose of sounding official.
You’d be lucky it doesn’t come with malware because the entire premise is fundamentally a scam.
Device encryption is designed to improve the security of Windows machines by automatically enabling BitLocker encryption on the Windows install drive and backing up the recovery key to a Microsoft account or Entra ID.
Once again, Microsoft is missing the importance of consent both in forcing the encryption and in not giving users a choice in who holds the keys to your data.
All I can say is I would absolutely not buy an Intel processor right now and maybe not for the next few years.
It’s just not worth the hassle finding out in six months that your system is unstable and you need to change the processor to fix it, and not knowing if that new chip is any better than the one you just removed.
It was just amazing to hang out and focus on playing a game deeply for 24 straight hours with my two closest friends. Can’t recall otherwise being so pleased with how I spent my time.