goferking (he/him)
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


I like how you are arguing against their own wording of the state of the game from the Devs.

I just want the fucking game I kickstarted but have given up on ever having it delivered. Of course to you that just means i’m a generic “hater”.

Usually means almost ready for release not many years away.

Hell even in their own words it’s just around the corner.

As we move into the polishing phase, we’re fully focused on optimizing and fine-tuning all aspects of the gameplay experience to deliver an unprecedented cinematic adventure


So they’ve been telling us it is done and just needs polish/finishing touches. If that’s the case it is odd they’d need sudden forced overtime for a simple demo…

Great rpgs but damn do they have issues with bugs, designing puzzles and some quest pathing/designing.

Make fun games with so many head scratching moments on why they decided to do things

Now people can verify if Gamefreak’s excuses for not including all Pokemon in each game since the Switch games are real. And verify how low effort their games are.

Wasn’t it true, but due to time not technical issues. Basically they keep redoing/remaking from scratch sprites instead of re-using them.

Does it need an emulator or run as it’s own app?

Wonder if I can play it on phone

Sometimes the epic hot dog isn’t fully cooked, or has everything on it because they grabbed it out of steams hands then gave it to their customer

Only one I’ve gotten lately have been battletech ones. But that’s more to actually get digital versions of their fiction.

Probably should have just said screw it once I realized you had to give 30ish % to ign

Aren’t they the ones that made it so you have to give at least 30% to humble no matter how you do the distribution

I’m terrified for when they start adding animation to the anti ai signatures

I don’t know if they could do a non single world map. Or trust them anymore to make a good game(or bug free)

I’m incredibly impressed but what is the point of it in starfield? Or just a fun way to play with mechs?

I was posting because it’s amazing they still don’t have an eta on when it’s gonna leave alpha

Even if they release a road map to 1.0 have they hit any of their goals on previous road maps?

You do realize the original kickstarter and pitch was for squadron 42 right? And by backing you’d get extras in the form of the MMO Star Citizen universe coming out after the SP Squadron 42.


Honestly I don’t think you know anything about either…

Reasons You’ll Want to Play Star Citizen

A huge universe to explore, trade and adventure in Space is unending, endless and so are your opportunities. Strike out to make your fortune amongst the Stars or sign-up for a tour of duty in the UEE Fleet.

Constantly expanding and evolving universe We’re committed to making Star Citizen a living, breathing universe that is its own entity. It will be a constantly shifting and evolving place for players to explore and affect.

Micro updates rule! We’re not interested in having yearly updates. Once live, we will have a team of people adding content on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. So we’ll always be adding data, stories and campaigns as well as reacting to the needs and actions of the players.

Squadron 42 - A Wing Commander style single player mode, playable OFFLINE if you want Playable offline or online, co-op with friends, you sign up for a tour of duty with the UEE fleet, manning the front lines, protecting settlements from Vanduul warbands.

Life during wartime If you distinguish yourself in combat, you might be invited to join the legendary 42nd Squadron. Much like the French Foreign Legion of old, they can always be found in the toughest areas of operation and always snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, regardless of the odds.

The conflict never ends Upon completion of your tour you’ll re-enter the persistent Star Citizen universe with some credits in your pocket and Citizenship to help you make your way. But in the universe of Star Citizen when one conflict ends, another is just around the corner. You’ll have opportunity to spend more time with your squadron mates as additional Campaigns are released as part of the content update plan.

Yes me pointing out they still haven’t done the part I paid for is shit canning the game. I’m sorry I don’t want to just play a tech demo while I wait for the game.

Also bad analogy as cyberpunk was playable and launched

I still can’t play the one I actually bought, Squadron 42, so no there’s no game. There’s a live demo for star citizen but nothing but promises for the one they said would come out first

They may have but the company has the opportunity to get those removed