True, but nothing else looks like money. Lots of things have a similar shape as the barrel of a gun.
Money is also quite detailed, with a known list of configurations. Any counterfeit would need to match the details in those known configurations extremely well. Finding that match with a high degree of accuracy is a fairly well understood and common engineering task. This is not the same task as identifying anything that could possibly be used to represent money with a high degree of accuracy, which is essentially what would be needed in the gun printing problem.
Somewhat related, the US Gov provides play money that you can print for your kids, which I found helpful to teach my kids about how money works.
Taking this purely as an engineering task, how is this remotely possible? I can barely begin to imagine how restrictions on what can be printed could be set. Am I missing something obvious? Some kind of contextual understanding of the object seems to be necessary… please don’t tell me their proposed solution is AI.
In any case it will never work because 3D printing is so easy for makers to do from scratch, so any solution will fail to prevent printed guns from being made.
Again, this is just the pragmatic engineering angle. Please don’t respond with political arguments.
Thats funny considering they included emulators in official games.
- Linux can win as long as services / protocols are commodities.
- OSS projects have been able to gain a foothold in many server applications because of the wide utility of highly commoditized, simple protocols. By extending these protocols and developing new protocols, we can deny OSS projects entry into the market.
Those two are things we as a community need to focus on. This Fediverse we’re in is one fine solution though :)
How did you like it? I’m like 10 hours in and so far it seems ok, but I’m not seeing the super amazing game that my friends raved about. For instance last night while playing I thought about how Bioshock was much more immersive and gripping, and it came out the same year.