I don’t know about Italian but I can tell you Greek Americans plainly can’t speak Greek.
Same with ‘ethnic’ cuisine, they don’t put lettuce in “Greek” salad because that’s how it was originally but because that’s what was available and accepted in the US.
Its also far more likely that very regional or even just family traditions/customs/recipes got attributed to whole nations rather than an elite managing to wipe it out from the original group.
The controller had a weird and unfortunate shape. It’s still miles better than any PS controller due to Sony’s refusal to put the stick on a natural position for the the thumb.
Sega and then Microsoft (after the first huge iteration) got both general shape and analog positions right.
Cartridge is an indefensible choice, it was perhaps borne of Nintendo’s falling out with Sony that prejudiced them against CD. Nintendo probably liked that they were more difficult to pirate as well, gamers not as much evidently. The Gamecube going optical but with a bizarre reversed mini-dvd is even worse.
There’s also a complete absence of software from your post, whatever it’s shortcomings Nintendo and Rare pushed some amazing games on it which people remember fondly.
So nothing burger? Other than a corpo being anti-worker which is not news…