I like video games :)
I’m playing the original Phantasy Star via the SEGA Ages version on Switch. Very much enjoying the simplicity of an 8-bit RPG, but it’s amazing to see how much they were able to push the Sega Master System to its limits.
Also trudging through Dirge of Cerberus on PS2. It’s clunky and jank as hell but I love the atmosphere.
As someone who was let down by Jirard’s choice to double down and threaten his accusers, I actually don’t think he needs to be removed. If anything, the fact that his role in the game is to take donations becomes more of a snarky meta commentary. I get that Sabotage studio is probably really hurt by this given their close relationship with IndieLand, and they have every right to do whatever they want with their art, but experiencing the irony here should be preserved and available to the public.
tbh this sucks for me. I usually order games online for store pickup at the Best Buy which is a 15 minute walk from my apartment. Gets me the game as fast as possible on release day since I show up when the store opens. Now I can still go to the Target across the street from there, but they aren’t as good about stock. :/
Hate to see any digital stores go but there isn’t much left that can’t be found on other consoles or the One/SeriesSX Microsoft store. Had a lot of fun panic buying when the Wii U eShop closed- enjoyed the community discussion and the thrill of finding all the hidden gems. It just seems most of the good stuff on the 360 store has been delisted for years. :/
He should have his medical license revoked as well