I like video games :)

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


There was a guy a few years ago who spent $40k on Nintendo stock in order to ask about a new F-Zero in a shareholder meeting. They said no at the time but we did get F-Zero 99 last year so maybe he did make an impact.

I’m playing the original Phantasy Star via the SEGA Ages version on Switch. Very much enjoying the simplicity of an 8-bit RPG, but it’s amazing to see how much they were able to push the Sega Master System to its limits.

Also trudging through Dirge of Cerberus on PS2. It’s clunky and jank as hell but I love the atmosphere.

Will and Jada have some suspicious ties to the Church and its beliefs too. They’ve denied being part of it but some instances are so overt that it’s likely true.

I heard people really enjoyed One Piece Odyssey last year. Never seen the series myself.

Feel that- source: I’m a Like A Dragon fan.

But another reason I tend to binge each game is lack of storage space and rising file sizes. Don’t want to download 100 GB again so better finish it immediately.

I got to the part where he asked for building plans- seemed like donations would be the next part of the quest but my Game Pass sub ran out 😅

As someone who was let down by Jirard’s choice to double down and threaten his accusers, I actually don’t think he needs to be removed. If anything, the fact that his role in the game is to take donations becomes more of a snarky meta commentary. I get that Sabotage studio is probably really hurt by this given their close relationship with IndieLand, and they have every right to do whatever they want with their art, but experiencing the irony here should be preserved and available to the public.

Something I’m starting to realize too. Just because I start a game doesn’t mean I need to play it to the credits as soon as possible. I’m the only one fixated on my trophy list or hours played.

Damn that’s heartbreaking. Genesis was not only my first console; the earliest conscious memory I have of my life is playing Sonic 2 with my Mom. I know it’s probably different people at the company making these decisions, but retro SEGA means a lot to me and my journey as a person.

And most Persona games tbh. Just finished Tactica.

Plus a lot of the bigger shows lately are locked behind their respective streaming services. Tried to see if I could grab Blu-Rays instead for the services that only have one or two things I’m interested in but no dice.

tbh this sucks for me. I usually order games online for store pickup at the Best Buy which is a 15 minute walk from my apartment. Gets me the game as fast as possible on release day since I show up when the store opens. Now I can still go to the Target across the street from there, but they aren’t as good about stock. :/

Yeah- tbh I can understand why they’d want to do something appreciative for the Day Ones but the Day Ones also could’ve bought it on Steam at the time.

Interestingly- I’ve found a few people not only think that there won’t be a new control scheme, they actually hope that they don’t add one. To their point, I guess the game would fall apart navigating the exact same environments with more responsive controls.

Yeah it’d be great if they gave us the updated versions like they did with the BioShock remasters when those came out. That said, I’ll probably still pick these up for the updated controls.

A lot of people are disappointed but I’m enjoying it for what it is! Free game, ridiculous in nature, and I’m actually not bad at it even if it is just one big traffic jam. I feel like it will make me better at the base game.

Well put! I also wonder if backwards compatible purchases made after the shutdown will retroactively work on 360. I bought stuff for 360 through the new Microsoft store often and it showed up fine.

Hate to see any digital stores go but there isn’t much left that can’t be found on other consoles or the One/SeriesSX Microsoft store. Had a lot of fun panic buying when the Wii U eShop closed- enjoyed the community discussion and the thrill of finding all the hidden gems. It just seems most of the good stuff on the 360 store has been delisted for years. :/