I’m just a man with a guillotine

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


dear God, please let League of Legends get banned, it would be so funny

not your fault English is a mess of stolen arbitrary rules.

excellent point and not trying to be pedantic, just pointing this out because i used to make the same mistake, the past tense of cost is cost.

spot on with the description of that enderman, either that or he’s gonna ask me if I have any games on my phone.

My issue with Nintendo is that it’s not even clear it is illegal to emulate things, authorized or not.

We have some precedent which ruled it’s not, but no real call from an authority.

They use their legal team to bully the world even for emulation which is clearly not even harmful to them.

When building roofs I only use the walk to command if I need to move.

I learned that lesson after I lost a long time character falling off a roof.

Give Ultrakill and Gunfire Reborn a look.

I love both but online has to be RTS, I cannot handle the downtime of other people’s turns

Agreed but the action is noticeably impacted by the move to live action for sure

Is it like Negan from The Walking Dead? They’re all Gaben.

A live-action Halo is a terrible idea, as is a live-action Avatar.

Some media is so ingrained in its spectacle that to make live action work, you’d have to spend Marvel levels of money on special effects, and why? When animation is right there.

Sure, you might be able to appeal to a larger audience, but how’s that working out for you?

You have to be playing Devil’s advocate for the sake of it because every significant study done on the subject shows that piracy has a positive or at worst neutral effect on the industry.

The second! Thanks I’m not the most well versed on the subject but I help where I can

RISC-5 is a CPU architecture like x86 (AMD and Intel) or ARM (Qualcomm, Apple, Samsung, Google).

It’s main differences are that it is an open architecture. It is still early in it’s life cycle but it’s already showing promising advancement.

I’m not as well educated on this part of it but I remember reading that it is more efficient for a certain types of common calculations that have long since been an issue for x86. As noted though citation needed.

I think they know this, it’s why they’ve been releasing everything on of PC. It’s just a win win for them they can have their timed exclusives and get access to another market of players.

Please Sony, give us Bloodborne

They now said it was because it’s difficult to model but that’s obviously horse shit.

That won’t be an issue I’m already on a 6950 XT, it’s in all my AMD system so I think I should be okay device compatibility wise.

Agreed 8 gave me a headache but 8.1 was probably my favorite. Oh well at least we still have Linux, about to switch, is Fedora a good place to start?

Yo, it might not be the right place but that’s not the best way to treat others either.

alphabetically was probably the default sorting method for an array of data and they didn’t bother to fix it, just my guess.

So glad the team is finding success outside of the escapist

I hope they get it and continue to focus their creative minds in smaller projects corporate has been ruining Ubisoft for too long

I mean Sony has been pulling plenty of terrible shit and Nintendo hates their fans. PC is the only consumer friendly option and they’re doing their best to make sure that stops.

People love to hate Microsoft and for good reason given some of their bizarre moves.

It does seem disproportionate to other companies sometimes but I think that’s due to their ubiquity.

Anyone noticed a rise in troll accounts lately?

Mad respect for sticking with it, it might not have launched in a great place but it would have been easy to cut and run as others have.

They went above and beyond to show they were committed to the game.

They’re just sharing their opinion on a public forum, keep it civil.

No need to be confrontational.

I know it’s hard to acknowledge someone who taught us so much might be party to something so negative.

However we owe it to ourselves and society to hold everyone accountable with due process. You and I want the same thing.

It seems you just don’t understand the toxic shadow that subtext can cast.

We all have our own ways we need to grow.

Sorry I resorted to personal attacks.

Then you clearly do not understand the subtext that saying something like “people lie in these situations” implies.

No stop moving the goal posts, you said they often lie whether true or not is Irrelevant.

Given the power imbalance tactics like this have been used in the past silence people that were otherwise completely within their rights.

I’m not saying that Linus did all these things and I agree with you that there needs to be a due process what I’m taking issue with is your language.

Like I said don’t witch hunt but don’t dismiss her either, which you have tripled down on at this point.

I’m not outraged I expect due process, what grosses me out is your attitude

No implying that people in this position have a history of lying is disgusting. Unequivocally fuck you

It discounts and underlays the seriousness of the situations and discredits them without due process

We shouldn’t witch hunt but this should be taken very seriously.

As for history of the victim lying… Never fall into this toxic mindset, even if it does happen you should never rush to this conclusion either. It’s disgusting

If you do your authentication with online servers properly it is virtually impossible to get the full experience by pirating anyway so the only thing you’re doing by including DRM is taking performance and convenience from paying customers

I can’t speak for them but Ubisoft doesn’t have a great modern track record.