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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


Remember when the real value were the people building amazing games and not just the IP?

Larion studios/krafton inc remembers.

At least that rootkit anti-cheat prevents all the cheaters. There totally aren’t any cheaters in games protected by rootkit anti cheat systems like in valorant. Right? Riiiiiiight?

Fuck em. I’ll stick with games that work on steam deck and Linux then.

The nice lemming will likely be either EA or Microsoft. I’m not hopeful for either of these companies to do anything positive with it.

If steam were to buy it that means there might be some light left at the end of that tunnel. Though I fear what will happen if steam changes owners inevitably…

They dont need to know any commands.

Everything in Linux is point and click. There’s an app store where you’ll find everything you’ll need. You will not need to open the terminal at all. All drivers will get installed through the OS.

Only things which do not work are the keyboard software and stuff to map macros to your keys and/or mouse buttons ans tweak the colours. Like the Razor software.

Distros like Ubuntu, popos, Linux mint are incredibly beginner friendly. There are, without a doubt, others.

They didn’t need to know any cmd/powershell commands using windows and they definitely don’t need to know how to use a Linux terminal to browse/mail/install software on Linux.

Unfortunately they do have some decent games published.

“A way out” and “it takes two” were both really good games ( hazelight studios ). No surprise mechanics, no predatory anything. Just coop fun!


I was interested and it could be nice. But staying in the loop means registering with a discord or github account. :/

He’s an alcoholic bodyguard who can’t do an assignment without getting hammered on liquor. I wouldn’t call that finding peace. :D

Oh man the memories. The first two were stellar games. The first one had amazing mods too.

The third one wasn’t really my cup of tea. Not bad in general, but not as brilliant as the first two.

Actually that’s a lie. I have their routers in house which, for now, all seem to run pretty decently

Fucking Asus transformer pad.

Please send it back for free and we’ll check if the damage is under warranty. If not you’ll need to pay 50$>to get your device back.

FUCK. OFF. Ship it back for free if it isn’t under warranty. Or have a contract with a shop nearby that can determine if it’s under warranty.

Last time I bought anything Asus.

Maybe they can sack the studio pre release. That gave some of their other games some more attention /s

This just proves there’s no added value in studios being bought up by bigger studios like EA and the like.

  • buy the small studio,
  • get the IP,
  • dont do anything with the IP,
  • fire everyone in tiny studio to “save costs” ( read: send more money to shareholders )
  • ???

The people working the smaller studios deserve more and better. I dont know about the others. But HiFi rush had great reviews IIRC.

Edit: I may very well just be salty.

Im not even sure if the game would have taken off at all. Psn servers couldn’t handle the load which is Why it was disabled ( temporarily ) in the first place.

A lot of people, including myself, never even linked the psn because I could skip it.

The thing is that it was enforced right at the beginning. There was a period where you couldn’t play without a PSN account, before they made it optional while Sony rolled out more infrastructure to handle the player numbers.

That’s what I heard as well. I was a bit dumbfounded when I read that it suddenly became mandatory.

I think Arrowhead screwed up because they didn’t know that PSN accounts aren’t available everywhere and so were selling the game in places that couldn’t play it unknowingly.

I think this is the most plausible reasoning. It’s what I’m thinking as well, and also what seems to appear through the CM. In which case it is a screwup on their end. Though in 2024 I do get you’d expect people to be able make an account anywhere in the world for a company like Sony.

Steam is usually pretty good about refunds and has apparently already pulled the game from the store in places where you can’t make a PSN account, so I imagine they’re planning to refund the game. This looks like the kind of thing that could be class-action lawsuit worthy.

If they did that’s good on them, but not wholly their responsibility. It is a good move to prevent new purchases they’d have to refund anyway ( or until there is clarity on what will happen in those regions ). I would kind of expect the publisher to do this once they figured out this was possible though :/

Go ahead lol. It was the only thing that came to mind as to why you’d want to try and put blame on valve over this whole fiasco.

The company that published the game likely updated the region it can be sold in. Steam just offers a platform.

Steam/valve is literally not to blame at all for any of this. Do you work for epic games or something?

I’m all for putting the blame where it needs to be, but you’re just shooting at all parties involved indiscriminately. Like blaming a rental company for a death in a traffic accident because they own the car.

That is true, but it I’d an additional hurdle. Sony is playing it smart.

They made an announcement and had a bunch of Outrage now. If they had just enforced it people would have refunded on mass probably. Now people can still actually play.

I’m guessing steam might be less eager to refund when the actual deadline hits. I also feel like a lot of people will just cave and link/create the account.

That’s definitely what Sony is expecting. And it’s also what I’m hearing from friends. That they dont want to, but that it’s a fun game ans they’d rather keep playing with friends.

I can fully understand the agreement between the two parties was “also requires a psn account” while AH being completely unaware that getting a PSN account is so restrictive.

Sony likely didnt explicitly add that the game cannot be sold in regions where they can’t create an account.

Edit: or the didn’t explicitly state which regions a psn account CAN be created in.

Apparently they recently updated the store to no longer sell in unavailable psn regions.

This would have been less of an issue if it remained enforced from the start. Re-enforcing it after demonstrating it clearly works without makes it look scummy and greedy. People could also easily refund if they didn’t agree. Now its too late.

For a lot of people it now looks as: now that the game is a success we want to collect everybody their data as well so we can make even more money.

Tbh, other games just require a 3rd party account without linking them explicitly. This requires an actual link which ( likely ) gives them access to a lot of your steam information which you’d rather NOT give to a corp that doesn’t seem capable at guarding people their data.

I’m not in one od those countries, but I’m currently waiting to see how it pans out. If they leave it in I’ll probably try and get a refund. I hope the people living in psn excluded countries try and get it refunded as well.

It’s a shame because the game is fun with friends. But I’d rather make a statement than just let it slide.

What game is this even from.?

Their publisher decided it. And it’s probably in the contract. Apparently it was originally a requirement, but was made skippable when there were login issues.

The only thing they proved by making ot skippable is that it wasnt even necessary at all. The reason they’re giving for making it mandatory ( for security and being able to ban for griefing ) is bullshit. Not to mention They’re already using a super invasive anti cheat, which apparently isn’t capable of catching any cheaters.

I read that in some regions ( I think UK/Ireland? ) it requires a picture OD your face/ID to verify your age.

Can’t verify that though

The friends thing is weird. I have a pending invite to a friend and I’m already appearing in his list as a friend ans he can’t accept the invite. So we have to set it to public, join, set it to friends only to avoid randos.

Yeah I hate that storepages have these videos that look absolutely amazing but show nothing of the actual game.

Sure it looks fancy, but it won’t convince me to buy the game until I can actually see what I’m buying.

Y u no program like senior engineer when you come out of school. We even pay you competitive ( minimum ) IT wage!

Code more for company in your own time so you can catch up.

1/5 performance review.

110/130 for a game? I’m looking forward to the articles saying gaming is dead because people no longer buy 'premium" games.

Or that people are only interested in free games with lottery and gambling mechanics because nobody is apparently paying 100+ for a game.

Indeed it is not! Yup. Multi day phones are great!

I charged mine Friday at 8-8.30. it’s currently at 50%.

I don’t have the stats like you do though. And I think I likely have less screentime. So the pixel8 boasts impressive battery as well for your usage!

Let’s hope it lasts! ( I have had this one for about 4 months ).

One weird thing on the pixel 6. One day, randomly, battery life improved by a lot. I assumed it was some kind of update. A few weeks later it reverted to the precious behavior.

I have a Motorola pro and I’m very pleased it also lasts me around 2 days easily.

I had a pixel 6 before this one, which I bought as a temp phone and costs 250$ IIRC. That lost 30% battery over night …

Not having to charge your phone on a daily basis is super chill !

Good thing by then we’ll have oracle LLM. You may only use it for writing software. But we’ll definitely charge you for answering questions about life the universe and everything.

That’ll be all your profit this year minus the C-level bonuses please.

Average CTO: what a steal!

You mean the season pass? Great! Everybody knows games suck if you can’t pay 70$ for seasonal cosmetics every 3 months

I hope it’s more stable than the limited test I’ve been playing. Hopefully comp is not limited to premier, but you can pick the maps you want to play on.

The hitboxes feel really weird. Sometimes it feela like the bullet went straight through people repeatedly ( e.g.: with a scout ) other times I seem to hit something I’m convinced was a fatfingered miss.