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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 01, 2021


I’ve found the look of the UI to be an acquired taste, and maybe easier to swallow if you’re used to using open source stuff. But I’d agree that the way it works is, in places, almost unforgivably unfriendly.

But it’s the “almost” that keeps me using it, because there’s nothing else that works across the platforms I care about, even if the application is so, so difficult to recommend or “deploy” to users.

KOReader! I maintain my library with Calibre and browse its OPDS server through KOReader.

Oh, I’m well aware. But the criticism I’m describing is that Joplin doesn’t write and read the notes as plain .md files on-disk as its storage backend. As I said, the lock-in component to the criticism is overblown (due to, yes, the ease of export), but people also tout the Obsidian approach to storage as allowing more flexibility to also access and edit your notes collection outside of the application, not to mention the flexibility to roll your own two-way syncing solution to other devices that don’t run Joplin, edit notes there and have changed synced back to notes in the application. I use and enjoy Joplin, and wish they would add something like that.

I brought this up because of what OP mentioned re: “view and modify” notes in something like jq. I’m sure they’d want their external changes synced back to their notes.

A surprising number of people will tell you that the reason they prefer the closed-source Obsidian to Joplin is that Joplin doesn’t use Markdown files as its backend format to store its notes, but rather a database file. (They are formatted with Markdown, though.) I think the concerns they often express around lock-in are overblown, but this may mean it’s not what OP is looking for. I agree that the Joplin app is pretty nice, though more polished and featureful on desktop.

They said “generic images” so it sounds like it’s not photos.

Are you looking for an Android app specifically? Because there are websites for this, which may or may not also have Android apps. Aside from Bandcamp, a few that come to mind are:





I’ve got a dorkier story: I asked for speech dictation software.

The sketchy factor is really unfortunate to hear, as they’re one of few that make tiny phones or ones with hardware keyboards. Are custom ROMs a thing for these?

It helps to know if you’re necessarily looking for a hosted service like Newsblur, able to self-host one on your own server, or just use a standalone client that runs on your Android and doesn’t need to sync with anything else.

hard to access the queue quickly if your phone uses gesture navigation

Recently learned you can disable just the left back gesture. Amazing quality-of-life improvement.

Tasks a great choice, and you can trace its lineage back to the earliest days of Android. (It’s a fork of Astrid, though it’s been developed quite a bit since then.)

Can we stop picking on this startup? They’re just hardware hobbyists, give them a break.

Honestly, Simple File Manager is a bit better then I remembered. But here are some, in order of how much they matter to me.

  • As you said, browsing network shares.
  • Fast filtering in addition to recursive search.
  • Selective file extracting from archives.
  • Checksums in formats aside from md5.

Amaze checks some of these boxes, but I find it kind of buggy.

In my experience they do save automatically, but I haven’t had the application crash often enough to test whether new highlights are lost when the application crashes. If you have a crash problem you can’t solve, it might be worth using the export feature (mentioned earlier) after every highlight.

Are you asking about saving your highlights? It should happen automatically as you add them.

Are you asking about exporting the highlights out of KOreader? While you have a book open, go to the Plugins menu > Export highlights. (But first set up which formats you want exported: “Choose formats and services”)

Oh no! This is what I get for scrolling all the way to the bottom of the thread…