I’m just wrapping up AC Odyssey. I’ll be heading back to Unity to finish it off soon. I still have a couple of things to finish in Black Flag, too.
I never really got into the online multiplayer aspects of AC. It really bugged me that they put trophies in the game on that, and now I can never plat the game.
You’re saying it’s completely impossible that a game developer remortgaged their home for their project and then failed to meet their required sales by a small amount that could be accounted for by being active on Twitter?
Like, completely impossible for that to happen under absolutely any circumstances?
If you’ve ever made a thing that took so much time that it has to be your job, and earn you money, you’d likely have a different view. If you’re ignoring a percentage of your target market because they’re on a platform you don’t like, then your project might fail, and you don’t get to keep your house.
scrcpy v3.0
Changes since v2.7:
Just adding some formatting.
I’m sure some of the older game servers will be offline by now. Hopefully not Black Flag yet.
I’m enjoying Odyssey. I had 6 hours on the game from 2018, I decided to restart the game about a month ago, and now my total playtime is 82 hours. Last year I think I clocked about 10 hours on the Playstation in total. So this has definitely been a surprising amount of fun. I’m very driven by trophies and open world missions though.