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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


Will how unfinished and buggy these games are all coming out, I’ll pick them up on sales after they have been finished and their spyware removed.

I forget the last title Ubisoft worked on that I was actually eager to play.

They fucked up the game with the early seasons and finally turned things around starting season 3, and had great improvements through season 5.

Now they are literally force junking ALL the gear, seasonal or not, to make the same endgame that existed before, take longer.

So instead of actually working to add content, they:

  • half ass implemented runes, which were already a copy from D2, but implemented them in a broken way
  • turned glyphs into legendary gems of D3, but not as good again
  • split levels into more gated tiers, with no added value , knowing full well that the only tiers worth playing are going to be the ones that actual give you chance of decent gear
  • made loot drops a fucking joke, where even a tormented lvl 200 boss drops 3-4 items, of which ONE might be an ancestral, but it still has the huge shitty attribute pool, ensuring that most of the time, you’ll just be tossing life per second rolls.

Out of the 9 people I actively played D4/D3 with, all of which were excited for the expansion after seeing how well the last couple seasons went, not a single one bought the expansion and will likely be sitting out the next seasons until Blizzard gets their heads out of their asses once more.

Yeah, I went and read up on it after and it seems pretty clear that it is dependent on local laws.

I think the time to decry that topic was when those local laws were being passed for those affected…

Glad to see other folks have noticed this as well.

As a longtime Destiny fan, I was so excited to have Halo come in and take the spotlight and giving Bungie’s lazy ass a run for their money.

Instead halo flopped almost as hard as Anthem. Fucking sad.

Played the beta and didn’t even realize the game fully launched. Good to know that it should be avoided for now.

Stunning Medium and large sized enemies now don’t get stunned as easily. This will not affect the stratagems that stun, and will mostly just affect how easily the Pummeler can stun larger enemies

Why do they keep ruining the game with stupid changes like this? They’ve already nerfed all the weapons against heavy targets; stunning them was the only way to get a breather and lay down fire to bring them down.

With each patch they make it harder and harder to actually enjoy this game.

So basically a rehash of all existing locations and previous content, some to players again as new content.

Bungie truly has sunk to the level of CoD content drip.

My friends and I have followed this game from day 1, but lightfall was a hard enough decision to spend money on; everything since then has not shown to be worth full price.

I’ve been debating for a while to switch windows to Linux and see how well it works for my games, thanks Microsoft for finally pushing me to do it!

Only thing keeping me on windows has been games (all other development use is far easier on Linux); but with the work that happened with Steam Deck, many games are now fully functional on Linux.

Very excited for this! Been wanting to come back for replays but was not looking forward to fixing mod complications again.

Bungie discusses their next terrible decision that will yet again, drive their cash cow into the ground.

But will they try to charge you $200 for a cosmetic scratch that now warrants a screen replacement and paying for shipping without fixing the original manufacturer defects?

Edit: context

I haven’t trusted Asus as a brand for several years already, nice reminder to keep on avoiding any of their products for the foreseeable future.

I am still sad that EVGA stopped producing Nvidia GPus as they were my go to for a long time.

Searching in google

why do phones have glass backs And all the top results explain why in a single sentence: wireless charging.

You can’t have wireless charging with metal backplates, hence the glass, which is often not your ordinary glass but things like gorilla glass which is much harder to crack.

I know it still sucks; I have an iPhone 12 that was still in great condition after 4yrs, never used a case on it; but one day at the pool of my son recording a video and dropping it just right, cracked the back. I just stuck a dbrand sticker onto the back to hold the glass in place and it continues to work without issue!

Does this mean that Sony will try to push the account requirement again on HD2, now that countries without PSN access are delisted?

They had such a great opportunity to come in at a bad time for Tarkov and take a good chunk of the player base. But yet again we see that companies simply rush to the release without any effort to develop something worthwhile and then wonder why it flops.

Same shit has been happening with Destiny for years; Bungie has been flopping around and fucking up release after release, but the only competition that had a chance (Anthem), ignored their developers and launched an unfinished game that could’ve been really great, promptly killing it off when it flopped.

Whatever they forecast, plenty of people aren’t touching it until they remove the denuvo cancer

Not just PvP; Helldivers 2 has no PvP and yet it requires nProtect

Agreed - having the PSVR1 I have little reason to buy the second gen, but making it work with PC would be much more appealing with its higher resolution and multi platform support. I really hope they can make it work

Playable in very loose terms. I booted it on a decent rig (13700k/32gbRAM/3080ti), after ~10min of loading screens I finally got my ship onto the pad and tried to take off from the planet; half way into the burn out of the atmosphere, I clip out of the pilot seat, through the whole ship and start free falling back to the planet while my ships continues to burn away from me…. I alt+f4’d and uninstalled that hot garbage.

If SC simply showed their original roadmap and timeline, it would speak to itself if it is a scam or or not.

As someone who bought in from the start (when everything was bundled), the argument of “not a scam” fell through when they started to hide their original roadmap.

Lack of further content and wanting to lock the little content they do have behind the premium bonds, which will drive people to buy credits since they don’t have time to grind out the credits needed.

Instead of working on fixes and content, they nerf people’s ability to play the endgame.

Typically this is a sign that they lack content and want to drop what little they have while people struggle with their shit weapons.

Then in two weeks they will roll out the new weapons that I’m sure will be mistakenly overpowered, but it’s ok because those are sold for super credits; they will balance them once enough people grind missions to earn credits to earn them.

They had such a great start and now they seem to be going the path of anthem.

The people commenting here do own the game and have hundreds of hours into it, including myself.

The nerfs here described have a much higher impact (railgun shots literally bounce off enemies now) than the buffs to the weapons that were an absolute joke already and still are ineffective.

We did read all the patch notes, we did try all of the changes described, and then we came and expressed our opinion on it. Don’t assume what others have/have not done.

How about instead of nerfing the items that are absolutely needed for higher level play and instead fix the rest of the shit weapons?! Making everything equally garbage does not solve the problem.

Finally get the shield and railgun and they get nerfed the next day.

How tf are people supposed to deal with the 5+ chargers that spawn along a mess of adds? It was the only gun that penetrated and actually stunned them

Crowd funding money drying up? As much hope as I had for this game (bought the original $45 package that included a ship and all the game modes before they were split), it seems the vaporware is finally coming to light.

It’s really crazy how much the numbers have been growing across online shooters. Really makes you wonder if all those rootkit anti cheats are actually doing anything other than creating vulnerabilities and spyware on user machines.

Stop with the spamming across instances and communities


So many of these games require servers when it shouldn’t. Playing simple coop should not be dependent on the companies underwhelming server infrastructure.

Borderlands proved this with allowing people to host coop sessions without any need for servers.

Those investors that expect quick returns are directly responsible for ruining so many games in the last decade; pushing for quick releases of unfinished money grabs which makes players cautious about what they buy, or just wait for those half games to go on sale and buy them at half off (what they’re actually worth, if that).

Have really enjoyed many aspects of this game over the years of beta, but still can’t get past how slow things feel in the game.

Granted flat time I played was about 4 months ago, but the movement seems like it should be much faster and combat feels like it should have much more density to it; it just doesn’t feel great to be slowly trudging around looking for mobs to unleash on.

One of the things I’ve really enjoyed about Diablo (3 and somewhat 4, although they’ve had similar issues) was the ability to quickly move around and jump into huge packs of enemies.

The amount of suggestions to try removing the virus instead of performing a full wipe truly amazes me.

Backup known files, scrutinize them, wipe all the disks and clean install

Except for all the PvE content that was promised. They ended up having as much PvE as a CoD game these days

Take a regular bow with flint arrows and you can 1 shot them - we were haunted by the deathsquittos (aka skeeters) for a while, but it’s not that hard to snipe them and get stuff back. Esp with the corpse run feature you get upon grabbing the tombstone