Because (1) lithium contamination is a much, much, smaller problem than climate change and (2) we shouldn’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Of course, if the EU is combining taxes on EV import with an equivalent investment in public transport or cycling / walking infrastructure, I wouldn’t be complaining.
Subsidizing production does not … from China anyways (eg. batteries).
I’m asking why the EU isn’t subsudising their domestic EV industry and starting a competition in electric propulsion technology. That would benefit everyone, except maybe the oil lobby.
one should disincentivize internal combustion vehicles by adding taxes to them
Why not both? And preferrably better subsidies for public transport / cycles / footpaths, etc.
avoid misusing words like “terrorist” because, when misused this way
If killing a handful of people is terrorism, what would you call trying to kill the entire human race (along with thousands of random other species)? ‘Terrorist’ is, if anything, too mild a word to describe such filth.
This is a program dedicated to influencers, not reviewers.
Corrected. Thanks!
There are YouTube channels/instagrammers that exclusively review sponsored products.
I don’t use instagram, and stick to the more reliable youtube channels. Didn’t know this was a thing.
If Google believes that the outlet is legit, they give the review device for free without the sponsorship contract. When they talk good about the device they need to flag the post with #giftfromgoogle and #teampixel
This feels like one of those stories where one person misleads another without technically lying.
The first problem is that Google is giving an incentive to influencers - who are supposed to be (more or less) impartia - to review their phone favourably compared to alternatives.
The second problem is that, despite being one of the biggest companies in the world, they did this in the most obvious way possible. Now who will trust any positive review of their phone? Anyone with common sense, let alone the lawyers whom I suppose cleared this - should have told them not to do something so dumb.
Edit: corrected reviewers to influencers, for the reasons explained below.
I see. I suppose my question should have been ‘why are these countries rated ahead of Uruguay, Mexico, Senegal, Iran, Japan or Australia, when those countries have enjoyed far greater success on the field’. But I guess most of those countries have decent domestic leagues, while someone from the Ukraine or Serbia would be more likely to play in one of the big European leagues and thus be financially overvalued.
OnePlus, POCO / Xiaomi and older Pixels.
I was considering the Moto G Stylus or some Poco phone, but I haven´t been able to find a source of Roms for those.
Note that Poco do not make their own phones, but licence and tweak Redmi phones. So you might not see ROMs for the Poco version because they are listed under the original Redmi version.
If you are using the default OS (MIUI), you can install another browser (from Play Store or F-Droid) and then disable Chrome by adb. Other apps will then be forced to send their links to your new browser.
Xiaomi also allows you to install your own OS and/or root your phone, but that isn’t necessary.
Most players I know do not pay for cosmetics. ‘Whales’ - rich people who want to show off, or who love the game and want to support it - buy them. Some streamers also buy, but they get compensated by their sponsers. There is the occassional case of a kid buying it with their parent’s money, and such purchases should definitely be reversed, but otherwise I see nothing wrong.
Marriage refers to two things - (1) a legal contract between two people, mediated by the state, and (2) societal and/or religious acceptance of two people as a married couple. Nowadays, in most parts of the world, only the first matters for most purposes. So the state should recognise all marriages, but religions and society are free to have their own conditions as long as they do not harass people they don’t like.
Counterpoint: advanced chips aren’t as important geopolitically as people think.
Older chips are more than enough for missiles and drones, so there’s no military advantage.
There is an industrial advantage in things like datacentres and big data analysis, but older chips can do these things if you put enough of them together and give them enough electricity.
Bleeding edge chips shine in consumer electronics, but WW3 isn’t going to start over whether Huawei Mate 69 Pro or Samsung S42+ is superior.