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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


I bet you they’ll start pulling their games from stores in 2-3 years or release new ones exclusively to their own. The games will be made as difficult to run in wine/proton as possible. Probably they’ll introduce some new graphics layer that’s windows only and since they own huge game publishers, they don’t have to worry about any other platform ever.

My Lord, I had the distinct displeasure of being granted access to a few pre-mades. Not to be repeated

If you want to explore the most toxic community on the internet, install Dota 2.

Probably enough people to keep Unity afloat. Let’s be honest, who’s going to reskill their gamedevs to learn Godot or some other game engine? Decision makers will probably spend more money on trying to find ways around the problem than actually solving it aka using another game engine.
It’s what they do.

“Trust” won’t matter if they just continue writing new games in it.

I’m curious why they chose C#. Maybe to be a Unity alternative without requiring to invest in a new language?

The easier path is opensource. You can use it today, no need to wish the fall capitalism and do nothing until then

If the studios don’t switch to Godot and contribute back, they’ll be setting themselves up for another Unity a few years down the line.

Is there really an exodus? That would be great !

“I hate negativity” he said while being negative.

Don’t need one. If you can read C/C++ you can read the kernel code. And in most cases, you won’t have to, as the problem is probably in a component in the distro. Those are written in python, ruby, or bash, which are all much more readable than C/C++.

No such luck on windows

Indeed, nothing is perfect, but closed source stuff doesn’t provide a lot of recourse. If you have a linux expert in your team, they can investigate and if need be even dig into the code of linux itself to find the core issue. Microsoft doesn’t provide anything even remotely similar.

With these updated routing tables, a lot of people were unable to make calls, as we didn’t have a correct state

You’re relying on windows for critical infrastructure? Are you nuts?

I don’t understand what the point of a blizzard launcher is - steam is already a launcher.

If they start banning everything Activision makes from Steam, Gog, or other stores, then probably they’ll get a nice lawsuit. But tbh, if you don’t like Microsoft, then don’t buy Microsoft products and that will henceforth include Activision products.

Isn’t it just Path Of Exile with a different story?