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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Completely agree. I feel like the ps/xbox are just now (okay maybe up to 6mo ago) been in stock everywhere and it’s actually possible to pick one up at a store without any fuss. We aren’t huge console gamers and still use the first ps4 but have been looking at both the ps5 and Xbox to see if we should upgrade.

I’ve been so happy with the switch, since I haven’t had to worry about a new gen for years and years and it made me use it more and buy more games for it.

Having played the old Price of Persia, this just looks like a random platformer and not really a prince of Persia game. Kinda disappointed. Will check it out when it goes on sale

OSMAnd is great. Been using the free version for a long time. Only reason I keep Waze on my phone is to get live traffic, if I know I’ll run in to rush hour / traffic.

Wish an OSM app would get great live traffic.

1gbps up/down with static IPv4 and IPv6 address for 105dkk ($15). Located in Denmark.

I can reliably get the offered speeds and the connection is unmetered.

It’s most likely a buzzword, I feel like 90% of AI headlines are just buzzwords at the moment.

Definitely WoW too. I mainly played vanilla to Cata and then just a couple of months here and there, especially at new exp launches. Got over 12.000 hours so far.

Just FYI, 1Password can do the same (Share TOTP and integrate with all platforms). Not saying it’s better, just saying they contains the same functionality.

Looks nice but at those prices I would rather get a small low-power intel machine.