random bald, fat, middle-aged Brazillian guy
can’t post anything anymore since lemmy.world is hostile to VPN users, so now I’m just a upvote/downvote machine…
But several people also noted that the games industry goes through cycles of mass layoffs, because simply having a stable business isn’t enough for investors. Revenues must grow by a chunky margin: if they don’t, costs must be cut. Embracer’s mishandling of their business might be grotesque, but it’s business as usual nonetheless. “We make a shitload of money, but it doesn’t go back into the games,” one person commented. “It goes into a lot of now very wealthy peoples’ pockets, and the people who actually make the games kind of scrape by, most of the time.”
late stage capitalism
Kernel level anti-cheats are a must nowadays to lift the barrier to entry which excludes quite a bunch of cheaters.
You do realize indie devs consisting of one or two people are also businesses, right?
seems to me that there’s some sort of critical mass they need to achieve first before the fuckery sets in, small teams aren’t “evil” (yet) simply because they can’t be (yet)
EDIT I mean “evil” as in “we want profit above all else, let’s milk this cow dry until she dies”
yeah, this kinda is their schtick
cool joystick