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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 16, 2023


The sellers, friend. They buy the GPU cash and sell it online for a clean transaction into their account. 5k laundered per sale

Shock rifle instagib arena. Yep. And I agree fully, two towers or whatever it was called was unplayable with those two.

EA fucked us out of a TitanFall 3. And a 3rd Alice from American McGee

Offering visitors a nes or SNES classic - which are recent, official, Nintendo products would be less embarrassing than using a windows PC.

Sure looks like he’s claiming that the team has been reduced from 4 to 1, not the 11 to 1 claimed above, and one was for customer support? Not to say it’s insignificant, but doesn’t sound like the train-smash originally portrayed.

I think it’s best to not defend kiddie porn, unless you have a republican senator in your pocket.