Also [email protected]
Yes I don’t like enemies that spawn. Especially in a single player game I think a world where everything gets created with the game world and stays that way is very interesting. Of course it’s good if events can change the sandbox, like if you don’t deal with a goblin camp near the village then they raid the village later.
This seems like such a nothing case. Steam is optional. It’s optional for publishers to use, it’s optional for users to install. Steam provides many many benefits for even free games or games not purchased on the Steam store.
Any publisher can publish their game on their own site, on other stores, on physical media. Even though Steam is dominant, you can buy games somewhere else as easily as you can download and install Steam itself.
I hope this case gets thrown out.
I didn’t find those sections at the beginning of the game very fun, sort of a trial by fire. I think checkpoints or a save anywhere system would have pretty much solved it though.
IIRC the reason you were being stealthy is because the faction wasn’t supposed to know you were there. If you start blasting how will that work story wise?
I had a hard time with Stardew at first, but I realized that you don’t have to eat to survive, crops are just for profit, gifts, ingredients, and collections. That got me out of the survival game mentality. I also learned to relax about the daily time cycle. Once I got automatic sprinklers working that was a lot easier.
There is no likely scenario in which I would pay $2,000 for a video card.