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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


41,264 images tagged with Dead_or_Alive, so about 5% (rule34)

38,723 images tagged using both the English and Japanese names, also about 5% (Pixiv)

They have been trying to ban tiktok for what like 5 years, clearly it’s about Gaza…

Depends, if you’ve done The New War then no

But they didn’t send a C&D, they sent an AI automated phishing report about a fan page for an actual licensed Funko game.

They weren’t address copyright anything, even if it was there.

NES and SNES processers? Those should be simple enough, although I’m not sure it would be 1 to 1 swap. Anything later? No.

You’d have to make the same processor on the same process node. That’s not even just to do transistor size, as that’s just one aspect of a particular companies process. No one has made 350nm MIPS dies since, well, the late 90s or early 2000s. So the equipment likely doesn’t exist anymore. I think they licensing is open now, but otherwise they would also need to relicense the design, which would be something that would be very hypocritical for Nintendo to do.

Sure a hobbyist could swap a dead passive component out, and probably fix a damaged trace on the PCB, that’s where it would stop. I’ve never seen a hobbyist or even small company make a PCB that complex. I know from personal experience that getting a batch of those made would run in the tens or hundreds of thousands. It actually may also need leaded solder, which would violate Japans version of RoHS. I’m not familiar enough with that standard to know if that would be permissable.

If hobbyist do have the capability to recreate the processor, why would a company like Analogue make an FPGA instead for there N64 clone? Think about all the development they put into that instead of trying to do what you’re suggesting is commonplace.

They don’t need to make an IC, the need to make the same IC. There are more powerful chips running smart toasters, and they cost a couple of dollars a piece, but that’s not the original hardware

Your also assuming that expertise and resources lies with the company, and not the staff themselves. I also know from personal experience how big of mistake that can be.

Anything later than an N64 is going to be progressively harder and harder to fix. By the end of the decade they will probably be emulating N64s. And so on and so forth.

The whole point is to not damage original articles, not to damage and then fix them. That’s what’s required of US Museum at least. It will matter more and more as the hardware ages and becomes scarcer.

On the next point, I think your giving the public too much credit. The BSoD is probably the most common failure screen in the world, but how many people would know to equate that with a windows PC and just with any computer?

What percent of the population knows what an emulator or emulation is? 1%? Maybe among people who are visiting the Nintendo museum, probably in the double digits, but not by much. The only embarrassment would be a reddit post, which would get turned into garbage news articles and shorts which everyone but us will forget about 3 seconds later. Basically every person that sees it would just be mad it’s not working when they happened to be there.

It’s is quite literally only there decision what hardware there IP can run on. In every legal way, they are the arbiters of that. Why are we supposed to care what emulator they use? If it’s open source, it’s as much there’s to use as everyone else’s. I wouldn’t run it on Windows certianly, but that is objectively there decision.

They probably have there own way on running NES/SNES games for development for Switch online or the NES classic, so your silly comment about them no longer developing those not only pointless but also probably wrong.

I’ve used mGBA on both my Switch and a PC, I’m not sure why you think that would be so hard. That’s literally made by a hobbyist, for a more modern system, and runs on several other platforms as well.

All emulation is probably (but not 100 certainly) piracy. It depends on how you read the law, but it seems clear to me that you can’t legally transfer software copies without transferring the original. Meaning for it to be legal, you would have to make the copy yourself, and continue owning the original. I say this as someone who fully supports pirating from AAA publishers, including Nintendo.

Can you provide a source for the ripped ROMs? I’ve been well actually’d on that before, now in both directions, but I can’t find an actual source.

These are in the most certain terms possible “rules for thee and not for me” but it’s there IP, and they get to set those rules. I wouldn’t describe there rights they fight tooth and nail for as hypocritical.

Funnily enough, I’m guessing the whole reason they are emulating NES/SNES is because they were having reliability issues.They probably picked the simplest thing they could get working on short notice.

Or they could just, I don’t know, not burn out console after console running them constantly so they don’t have to spend exuberantly. That’s if the they can even produce that process node somehow. If not, making a new fab would cost 10s of millions, to produce old and completely antiquated hardware that they can already emulate on there current hardware.

What do think Nintendo does there development on? You think they run the unity editor on the Switch? They have probably used windows emulators for development since the Gamecube, and they absolutely have there own versions. Which open source emulators are they trying shut down? Something from this decade? If you mean Switch emulators, that’s just piracy, which I’m all for, but it’s not a exactly a moral high ground.

I thought they had included ripped ROMs, someone mentioned in another thread that were packaging the ROMs the same way. I’m not sure if that means the used the same tools or got to same result another way, buts it’s only a way of packaging ROMs.

It’s there IP, they can choose what’s allowed to be done with it. If they want to emulate it, they can. If they want it to only ever play on a N64DD, then thats also up to them. If they benefit from open source emulators, which I mostly doubt, then they as the fault on the emulator developer for being open source. Close it down, make Nintendo license it if you think it’s benefiting them unfairly.

I assure you they are currently runnng there in-development Switch2 games on in an emulated environment as we speak.

That would just be wasteful, and wouldn’t really be the same thing? Analogue already makes N64 FPGAs make things that are almost N64s, and Nintendo doesn’t seem to care.

Your forgetting that Nintendo emulates there own games all the time, literally since the GameCube.

There argument has never been about what they can do, it’s about what you can do. Now they are wrong under US law, but it’s not like it’s hard to go find ROMs of these games, they aren’t even on torrents or shady websites, you can download them directly.

That’s not the point of it though. Not about whether you could fix or maintain it when operating it, it’s about not operating it if presents a notable risk of failure. The Smithsonian doesn’t start grinding cornmeal in a bowl from the Mississippians. The Connecticut Museum doesn’t take it’s colt rifles out the range for target practice. These organizations would use a replica to demonstrate what it was like, as opposed to risking damaging an original article.

Thats also not even necessary true either. While they may have invented there various consoles, at some point it will be nearly impossible to acquire replacement parts. They don’t manufacture the ICs or mainboards or the various discreet components. So if there’s no old stock, how would they “fix” a broken N64 (or later) console? It might be theoretically possible to fab a NEC VR4300 to replace a dead one, but probably cost hundreds of thousands, and it wouldn’t be broken anyway if you hadn’t left if running 16 hours a day so some sweaty tourists could play on real hardware.

And why would they? It would cost more, be more work, and have less reliable results than using a completely replacable computer running an emulator. The entire consumer facing side of the equation is worse if they run the games on the actual hardware, as long as the consumer doesn’t see it, which is really down to how they design the exhibit.

Do you think the public is understanding enough to accept that “The NES is really old and it broke so you can’t play super mario bros today”, when it’s the only day you are gonna be there? Temper tantrum, bad reviews, loss of face. From what I understand, Japan actually cares about all that, so Nintendo probably does as well.

That’s the case… For now.

No one would have cared to preserve a Mosin Nagant from 1892 when they were making 500,000 of them, why would they? You can just go and buy more, the factory is right over there. Fast forward 132 years later, they are scarce antiques. And in another 100 years, there may only be a dozen left.

The entire field of computers as we know it, integrated circuits, is about half as old as that particular rifle, and the technology has changed so fast, it’s really crazy.

So while it might seem like that’s reasonable now, I mean the people who designed those systems are often still alive, even still working. Of course we can still fix and use them.

Now give it 60 or so years, your sitting around in you retirement community, sad you lost the auction for a 2003 eMachines tower PC with all the stickers still attached, kicking yourself about how you tossed one out back in the day.

At least you kept your Atari Jaguar, kept in a hermetically sealed container, that managed to save when you had to evacuate from the 2nd Finnish-Korean Hyperwar.

Edit: Abominable spelling

You really think an old parchment document would survive being in a high vacuum and near absolute zero?

Yeah sure, nothing lasts forever, but the really not the point. Your goal is to attempt to preserve your articles forever.

Are you going to fall short? Absolutely, but your still required to attempt to do so. So you avoid doing anything directly harmful, such as operating an old computer, firing an old cannon, or diving an old car.

I know to be a certified museum in the US, you must work to preserve your articles in perpetuity, meaning anything that could be detrimental to the article is discouraged if not totally disallowed.

I hope it’s the management and not the devs, that would be extra sad

Pfffff no one would ever do that, what are you some kind of conspiracy weirdo??

Stop being so paranoid, no one’s out to get you.

If you haven’t done anything wrong, what have you got to hide?

Previously known as Lazy Game Reviews, covers retro PCs and PC gaming.

Not the biggest YouTuber but a pretty notable one

As in, the publisher has stopped them preserving it otherwise, so now the publisher must make it accessible somehow?

To fair to that rather silly commenter, Stopkillinggames puts the onus on the publisher while your examples are based on the individuals or other third parties providing the “fix”

What else would they use? Thats what’s available

Because they can build more capacity based on a long term contract with the utilities.

Intel literally spent a decade trying to make there CPUs just a little bit faster, but not too much faster, every year. They succeeded in doing so, and we have this as a result.

The worst part is they aren’t eving running at 125w or whatever they claim, often into the 180w or 200w range to reach there own marketing benchmarks.

Probably close-to-zero direct sales on any platform but Steam. It would at least get there name out there more, which it absolutely not nothing.

“Maple leaves could soon be as valuable as gold”

So you can currently see all the boring nothingness really fast? LMAO

“oh that race doesn’t make good wizards they are less intelligent than others”

With the word race out of the descriptions, its less likely that someone will get mad over something like that.

This is a real example from early 5e that some people got upset over, to the point some people still mention it, acting all wigged out.

Anything that pushes real world politics away from me games is inherently good.

It’s not a games as a service under any definition of the phrase, so the comparison is garbage

So the devs are fighting themselves? Wonder how that works

I never claimed that it never happened? A single well known example and also the only one you provided, from half a decade ago.

Yeah, no one at Valve, the same people that won’t even make their games playable without a massive community uproar, is reviewing any of these. That being something which directly affects there reputation as a company and there bottom line through crates/keys, instead of there reputation as a storefront to publishers. The article even mentions Valve’s addressesing this was a reaction to devs salivating over EGS having opt-in reviews, more so than them actually caring about publishers

Developers have cited this sort of toxicity as a reason they’re excited about the Epic Games Store, which plans to address the issue with an opt-in review system.

Also in the same article, they describe the option I’ve been referring to. You are still able to see the marked reviews reflected in scores if you wish.

On top of that, Steam users will be able to opt out of this new system entirely by using an option that’ll keep review bombs in games’ review scores. And, again, people will apparently still be able to look at reviews that have been removed. Review bombers won’t have as much power to affect games’ standing with the Steam algorithm, but this could also just encourage review bombers to find other ways to evolve their tactics and get through what sounds like some still worryingly large loopholes. Time will tell.

If you want to review bombs or “review bombs”, you can still do so on Steam, and the score will reflect your preference for that, as opposed to EGS where you may not be able to see any reviews if a publisher doesn’t want you to.

The “Store content policy” option made it so Valve doesn’t have to manually do anything about “review bombs” or review bombs, which is a very Valve way of handling it.

Bringing up incidents from 3 or 5 years ago kinda solidifies that point, they put it up to the algorithm and don’t manually get involved.

They even say in that article, as an update, that they aren’t removing reviews. This function lets a user decide what they consider relevant, without removing reviews, and most importantly for Valve means they don’t have to manually do anything.

They still could, but again you found articles from years ago, they wanted a solution that requires less work for them and stopped the headlines, and that seems to have worked.

They added a feature that changed what review score you see based on a preference to see what may or may not be review bombs, I can’t remember exactly what it’s called, but I haven’t seen them react to so called review bombs since.

Or they are putting pressure on platforms to block “review bombing”. That probably won’t work on Steam, so it’s kinda of a moot point.

It would actually cost more money to get older process nodes to get lower performance.

No one would be able to afford it if they even tried and failed to make it last that long and there would be no support for it.

Within a couple years there will be an emulator to play it’s games on PC, making it’s durability a moot point

I assume someone who is currently generating AI porn is running a model locally and not using a service, as there is absolute boat loads of generated hentai getting pised every day?

Is revenge porn illegal federally? Not that that would really matter, a state could still not have a law and have no way to prosecute it.

Given there was some state that recently passed a revenge porn law makes it clear your just wrong

On Snapchats ToS: Lucky never ran into the first point personally but as a teenager I heard about it happening quite a bit.

The second point is literally not enforced at all, to the point where they recommend some sort of private Snapchats which are literally just porn made by models

Don’t know how well they enforce the last point

Could have fooled me, the poorly made trillion polygon models are so prolific that they end up being modded into other games where they also don’t matter nor perform well.

When you try to tell the modders not to do that, they get incredibly mad and you get kicked out of there discords.

Ah yeah, a trillion useless triangles that can’t even be seen at the scale the game renders at, truly worth the entire price of the game per car.