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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 04, 2024


Excellent list. I was wondering if BG3 was too obvious a suggestion, but it fits the bill, right?

Edit: maybe some of the Yakuza games would work?

I figure that it’s like CIV in that regard

Any point in playing the first one beforehand? Or is this just an improvement on a formula?

This is our innate state, IMO. We are social, creative people. The impulse to help and participate comes first and then is warped by our societal structure where everything gets monetized. I follow the Skyrim mod scene just for that hit of seeing this generosity at play

Dead Space (remastered, I guess?). Only played a demo version that had 5 minutes of play, way back in the aughts, and have been meaning to try it since.

They keep referencing The Outer Worlds for comparison. Wasn’t that game kinda panned?

Yup. At the end of the day, YouTube provides two resources: entertainment and information. Given that I’m willing to drop any particular creator or show, which I am, entertainment can always be found elsewhere. Worst case, I suffer a little bit of FOMO. And information in the internet ecosystem is like water in nature; it finds a way to keep flowing around

I’m guessing there’s a mod community somewhere to learn what mods to use? Like with Skyrim, I’d probably start with things that improve the overall look but sticks to vanilla for the story

Thanks! I’m happy to buy the game. Everyone here is typing me up on it lol And I see that OpenMW be used alongside that

I’ve never played this game. Is this stuff you’re describing coming from mods or the original game??

How do you like it for note taking? Does it convert handwriting to type? That is one of my dream features that I’ve yet to hear has become robust

I’m trusting y’all to let me know if it’s worth it

With his voice acting skills he would make a great Joker but also Lex Luthor and Norman Osborn

A montage of you running Hollywood just flashed before my eyes and it was glorious

Anything in the camp of Civ or Stellaris. I basically let myself play that type of game once a decade, and only with a designated co-player (i.e. I only play them under supervision). Any other type of game I can pick up and drop easily - in fact I frequently drop them before finishing them - but not that Civ type of stuff. I’ve dabbled in all the drugs with less struggle