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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: May 11, 2024


almost bought tchia on sale but i have too many real life expenses right now

Interesting to read what the modding community has been doing with old handholds.

His positions have swung around a lot, and apparently he’s inclined to depression and moods swings? I hope he’s come out of the cult thinking, at least, and making a new game is a sign he’s not in that obsessive mindset anymore. I’m not interested in giving him my money, but it’d be better for everyone if he wasn’t into conspiracies.

His controversy section on wikipedia is fascinating. Is he still a Q believer?

It’s generally implemented in a way that takes away fun. If a game had fun fights that were always intended to be strategic, it’d be ok, but when you have to kill identical mob after identical mob to progress in the plot, i don’t see the point.

i remember getting bored and annoyed near the end of oblivion.

Playing some coral island, and i’m kind of wanting to start over since they seem to have fixed the two big issues i had.

Apparently they made the progression from the end of B to A less of a drag, and they made it so you’re informed when a character cutscene is available (and when and where to go to see it). I hate looking that stuff up on wikis, since inevitably i find out some spoiler that makes the cut scene less interesting.

Plus when I try to stumble on them randomly it’ll be year 6 and the character’s cutscene is like “i hope you’re settling in well!” Dude, I married your friend and have two children now. I almost singlehandedly dredged the oil out of the ocean. What’s wrong with you?


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. The genres I like keep getting new games, but if most games now were precision platformers or MMORPGs, I’d read more lol.

Just try to hold back the good ol days mentality, try new stuff if it catches your interest, and let yourself enjoy your 10000th replay of your favorites? You aren’t against new things entirely, after all. You just don’t make yourself play games you don’t like. Somewhere out there is an indie developer with similar taste, also frustrated they can’t find a game they want to play, and I hope you find them and add a new game to your list.

Probably too new for the sub, but baldur’s gate 3 since it was.on sale and my birthday’s coming up

Nope! It’s what I’d hope. I guess I was a bit confused why there was an article, since I thought erasing hate speech was normal practice. When I was half awake this morning reading it, I wondered if I missed something.

The impression i got from the article is you can say “this game is the worst zero stars” and you’re fine but “this game is for degenerate f******” is a no.

That’s a shame, because it really doesn’t seem to benefit a game like Alan Wake 2 at all, atmosphere or story-wise, while turning lots of people away.

enjoying jumpscares is probably like enjoying rollercoasters (which i do). the adrenaline burst feels great for some people, and other people hate it. It seems a shame to have lots of them in games where that sort of feeling isn’t the point.

This is one game that makes me wish I enjoyed playing horror games more.

I watched someone play a bunch of these and her theory is they were inspired by that pt silent hills demo

Played it and loved it. I know I should hold off and wait until it’s complete before I play again, bit it’s going to be tough not loading it up the second there’s another update.

That’s an interesting way to think about it

I watched Super Sleepover Society’s playthrough of this, and I debated if I’d enjoy the gameplay. The silly story is just my sort of thing, though.

My disc 2 was fucked up so I only finished the game by saving every minute or so, because it’d crash constantly.

I can’t say I’ve ever really liked a controller, so I never experimented with fancy ones. The one that was the most fine was the ps controller. the joycon was ok until drift kicked in. The xbox controller made my hands hurt after too long. I think if I’d had more xbox games back then I would have gotten more into controllers to find one for my tiny hands. I mostly prefer a keyboard.

I had a fun time playing in early access, even with the bugs. I should check it out again when it hits 1.0. I recall generating a new location and immediately falling through the ground to my death and deciding i would wait a bit to play more.

aesthetically, it reminds me of ‘going under,’ but the corporate visuals were the point in that one.

“Alba: A Wildlife Adventure” jumped to mind. I don’t remember it being long or difficult, but I had a nice time.

Does anyone have a link to a source on the age of the kid? I’m wondering if I’m missing it. People keep saying she’s 17. Was that in one of his edits?

I remember when it first came out to “mixed reviews” a lot of people said they were planning on mods finishing the game and making it fun for them.

I was in college around the same time and recall doing my usual minimum research for a new system and still to this day think “acer’s crap, right?” when someone mentions it, even though the memory of why is gone.