I mostly play video games.
A third Xbox? I thought Microsoft was pivoting to mostly cross platform stuff, I’m surprised they want to try and push more Xbox consoles after their sales. Like another shitty console is gonna tank so hard unless they have a real reason for this new one lol. At least the handheld sounds interesting.
Check out the site dark pattern games, it shows a list of games and their “dark” side like money and time wasters. They also show the “healthy” side of mobile gaming as well
That’s a good question. I think I got them all, but I probably missed a few. I just got a PC the beginning of this year, so I decided to play some games I never had the chance to before. I usually only play the story, never been much for side quests or running around aimlessly. My review for all of them is “good!”
If you watch the side by side you can tell that they adjusted the lighting and it doesn’t look right. There’s a few scenes where the only light is the sun and there’s a shadow on the ground, but the characters are lit like shadows aren’t a thing, making them look weird and, in some cases, worse than in the original.
Not sure how it works in Japan but you’re probably right. Edit: Was thinking about this article that lays out the known details pretty well
Its impossible to avoid giving your location data, the fucking photo you send them will have location data unless you scrub the exif. Your phone tracks exactly where you are in a fucking store every time you enter one. You’re naive if you think they don’t already know a shitton about you and where you are when you open the app
Heliboard > Gesture Typing
From their github: Glide typing (only with closed source library )