• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


If you use a kindle. Mod it before it’s too late. There is a new exploit that works on all kindles.


Ok, i dont know what the new codename is, but just by looking at the logo in the thumbnail my mind goes:

Android poptart.

I think the only problem with the necktie is that it looks like a flat texture. If given some volume it’d work really well. As for witch to use i’d prefer the necktie since it it doesn’t leave the torso like a blank canvas;

Utimately it depends on where in the game the duck is going to be seen first, first impression matters a lot. If it is in a really plain room, like a barren office with white walls the colors of the bowtie might give some contrast with the blandness of the room; If the room is more caotic, seeing the duck more “put togheter” than it’s surrounding helps break with the ambient.

(Its been a while since i played portal, so my memory it’s a little fuzzy, but if i remember correctly it worked so well because in the monotone enviroment of the test chambers, having something as simple as a cube with a heart was enough of a break from the mold to be memorable, also it had interactions with it in the game; an option would be to somehow integrate it into the game in like a small puzzle of sorts, making it appear near the button when the player comes and goes, stuff like that)

With that though i need to say that i am colorblind, so take my 2 cents with a grain of salt.

You may be able to set a screenshot macro withkey mapper

The best that comes to my mind is fastdraw which allows you to have one widget + an icon pack like arcticons to remove the flashy icons ( though i’m not sure if fast draw supports icons or if i’m mixing up with another launcher) + wallpaper of the same color as the lines to make only the text show

You may be able to use key mapper to remap the heaphone key to a null action; but i’m not sure if it’s possible, and even if it does the app warns that bindings only work while the screen is on due to android limitations.

If i remember correctly micog should be able to give most of the functionality of gsf, but i’ve never installed it, so you may need to check it’s documentation before doing anything with it.

I think they are a good thing, since in general you get better compatibility with more esotheric hardware, for example i’ve seen people run godot games on raspberry pi boards, which is pretty nice; also as you mentioned doom and 0 A.D., both of them have prolific modding communities because it’s easy to make mods when you have the source of the game, and in the case of doom in particular the fact that it’s open source allowed people to build lauchers to make it run on newer computers without needing dosbox and co. To even have a chance to play.

Yep, thats what i was trying to find, i already knew that cardongle was a scam, that’s why i never bought it when people started talking about it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna see if i can purge the bloatware/spyware from one of these guys since they tend to be pretty bad when it comes to this

Thanks for the info mate.

Yeah the problem is that i’m not sure what to search for, since everything i tried so far only brings up the wireless android auto adaptors

What I’m looking for it’s not a dongle but a full on android device that relies on android auto for interfacing with a user; its closer to a tv box than to a dongle; the one i remember had a mediatek chip so rooting it to add other stuff was easy.

Edit: i was able to find the original product, it’ the finedrive AI 2 which is a korean product that is out of production, so no luck on getting one

are standalone android auto sticks still available?
When android auto first came out i remember that on the market appeared android sticks that were meant to expand the functionality of android auto. They where like the android auto wireless adaptors that are around nowdays but where a standalone android device that used a phone's hotspot for an internet connection. Are these sticks still around or are they completely gone?

If i remember correctly on android 13 you can go in developer settings-> feature flags and you should be able to disable it Otherwise you need to use adb to disable it, but i don’t remember the entire process

From the interface you should have android 12+, check if the app has the permission to run in the background, if that doesnt work it could be android’s phantom process killing that stops it

I tried using obtainium but it doesnt’work on android 14, and izzy and the other repos don’t have the apps i use, guess it’s time for manual installs again…

I’m sorry but could you send me the link for the official page? Searching for droid-ify gives me 5 different repos…

now that we have lost f-droid as well, are there some good clients that allow you to install foss apps?
The only one that know is obtainium, but from what i understood it only fetches the latest version of an app and it doesn't even check if it gets installed correctly. I'm also i'm concerned about the safety of the apks; i know that trusting the f droid repo isn't any safer than trusting the builds from the dev, but it would be nice to know if there is any way to check other than checking the code by hand.