1. Don’t be a dick.
  2. If you have to be a dick, be the least amount possible.
  3. Failing that, see 1.
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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Oct 21, 2020


One of the biggest new headline additions to LineageOS 22 is a brand new music application aptly named “Twelve,” which sunsets the old “Eleven” system music player. The fresh lick of paint brings Material You design, a dedicated landscape mode for tablets and larger displays like foldables, support for various music library server protocols, including Subsonic and Jellyfin, and lots of other tweaks to improve your listening experience.

Well, shit. This is pretty sweet to have those protocols baked in

They also had a “fire” stick, didn’t they? Not to be confused with Amazon’s fire stick

Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matchstick_TV


I see these comments are nothing but good discussion!

Maybe someone can better explain the DOW for me, because it kinda feels like having an index that can be modified on a “whim” is a bad way to indicate health of an economy?

“Could it be that we pay the top brass too much? Nonono, that’s not it. Cut workers that depend on us to survive.”

“Fat trim” is the other one I recently heard, and it’s absolutely the worst one I’ve heard so far. Glad they consider humans working their best as “fat”…

If only they shipped to the US…at least, I didn’t see that option.

Alternatively, set up a VPN into your home and only allow cam access via local network 🙂

As far as network cams are concerned, it’s a pita to find a good one that is also not expensive.

Feel free to correct me, anyone, because I do want a better solution than buying a cheap one and just blocking it from all WAN access in or out.