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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2023


That’s a bummer, I had a Moto E and couple of Moto G phones in the past which were great, but once I started seeing reviews that older generations were better than new ones that were coming out I decided to try using an older flagship (Galaxy S10+ for $200 in 2022) and it’s been a solid experience. Sounds like I should continue going that route once security updates end on this phone.

A few come to mind:

Ys 8 The Lacrimosa of Dana


Phoenix Wright trilogy

Life is strange

Katana Zero

Axiom Verge 1 and 2

Looks cool, Fantasy Life on the 3DS was a fun game.

I’m at the final boss of Super Mario RPG and can vouch for it being really fun. While it’s not as epic in scale and story as Chrono Trigger, it’s got good humorous writing, good pacing, and the difficulty is just right imo.

I also really like that if you lose a battle, the game resets you at your last save point and carries over any exp you gained, making grinding way less tedious.

Ys 8 has a soft lock toward the end where if you didn’t do enough side quests to build up enough affinity with your castaway group and party members you would get treated to a bad/neutral ending. Fortunately at that soft lock point there are enough ways to build up those points so you can progress past that point.

Castlevania SOTN

Super Metroid

Wario Land 1

Chrono Trigger

Bonus: Playing final fantasy 6 and getting past the Figaro part and rafting mini game and quitting the game right after

I’m in a similar predicament except with ToTK - the game is so good I don’t want to see the credits roll so I’ve been running around doing side quests instead lol. And I’m someone who could not get into BotW, I gifted my copy away