Maybe, wait until they start their next game, and see if they’ve moved away from unity.
Maybe, do some research and find out what the specific situation is before you buy.
Maybe, don’t hurt the people who were hurt by the situation.
But definitely this comment is for others, not you, since your mind is made up.
Blockchain is a means of tracking information, typically virtual balances, usually with full history - but it varies in its level of decentralization.
While one of the big uses of blockchain is distributed trustless consensus, that is by far not the only use. It’s also great for inventory tracking - virtual or otherwise. Decentralization is just a kind-of bonus for redundancy, in such a case.
Systems already exist for blockchains - fast ones, too. They can use existing open-source code.
What benefit it provides is that only official Blizzard tokens are on the chain - each one signed (in batches, of course) offline by Blizzard in an official ‘printing’.
Someone discovers an exploit that gives them more tokens? The answer is ‘from where, and who signed them?’
Now, this doesn’t prevent someone who has a hacked system from getting screwed and losing all their items. But it does prevent magic item gain just because you fiddled with the interface in a certain way, and a counter went up.
It also means that, if you did somehow find a way to steal, the history of that is there, and the transactioms can be reversed.
Space Station 14.
Frontier station gameplay: This game is intentionally complex. Gettimg a space suit on? Don’t forget your oxygen mask. …and helmet. …and to make sure the oxygen’s on. …and that you have grav boots. …and that they’re on.
Grab an ore bag in one hand, pick in the other, and start breaking rocks. If you’re lucky, you can get with a good captain and make some dough.
But honestly, i usually get paid more working as a janitor for the station. Or as a bartender, mixing up various drinks, if it’s a good day and people are tipping well. I’ve been trying to run my own food truck, but it seems mostly what I do is die.
…but, then there’s sitting at the bar after a good run, drinking and playing music. You can join in a midi band, or play your own uploaded song. Dance with people, or drop banana peels and watch 'em slip. It’s a good tune to be alive.
Regular SS14 play: Or, try to do the above. But the station is faced with some awful inevitable catastrophe. Serve drinks and secretly dose them with hallucinogens, until the zombies come, or terrorists with nukes, or alien artifacts that do… …Things. Or join sec and try to keep the station going by dealing with whatever threats there are (including errant bartenders slipping drugs into peoples’ drinks), or at least evacuate the people. …and anyone could be a bomb-packing terrorist.
Or be a hamster. Or, y’know… Anything you want to.
…but… Literally, benevolent, sectionalized dictatorship is the only response to the Tragedy of the Commons.
…that is to say, individual responsibility and exercise of power. Work primarily on responsibility until you’ve got one area covered - then expand your power. Know your limits, and don’t try to expand your power beyond what you’re capable of handling responsibly. Encourage others to do likewise. Steam is good because they haven’t sold out, but are managed by people who have genuine interest in the industry, and who are willing to exercise power responsibly.
You: has a very reasonable take
Lemmy: downvotes