Should have played Black Mesa instead of HL. It’s everything HL is but better. It was incredible even having played HL back in 1998. I recommend people who’ve never played HL to just do BM.
As a lifelong Half-Life fan, I really liked some of Frictional Games’ titles. I liked Penumbra a lot and I think Soma was an absolute masterpiece. It’s at a level similar to Half-Life for me. If you don’t know anything about it, don’t read, don’t watch. Install and play.
Originally I replied to this:
Imagine having a Government that uses political prisoners as forced laborers.
It was about political prisoners not general incarcerated population. The aforementioned regimes did hold political prisoners for obvious reasons.
Yes crime skyrocketed after the fall of those regimes.
Sure but I think it probably isn’t as easy to gather evidence for this in China than it is in the US. That’s why I think it’s fair to assume the lack of evidence doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. There’s evidence this occurred in collapsed regimes of similar stripes. It’s plausible that China isn’t an exception. I’m not at all suggesting whether this is widespread or not. I have no clue. It could be extremely rare.
No question about the incarceration rates.
System providers should avoid recommendation algorithms that create “echo chambers” and induce addiction, allow manipulation of trending items, or exploit gig workers’ rights, the notice said.
They should also crack down on unfair pricing and discounts targeting different demographics, ensure “healthy content” for elderly and children, and impose a robust “algorithm review mechanism and data security management system”.
Every time I hear SimpleX I think of herpes. Perhaps shows that whoever came up with that name had never had or looked up cold sores.😂
In addition, apps schedule background work through WorkManager or JobScheduler or AlarmManager. Those can wake the app up at specific times designated to do this work. E.g. every X minutes when the screen is off.
Android has never had the same application execution model as traditional OSes. Both for foreground and background work. This allows it to scale multitasking with the available resources, mostly RAM, without losing app/user data. In other words Android can work on a 512MB RAM device or 8GB device and the only obvious difference would be how many apps are kept in memory. No data will be lost in either case due to apps getting evicted out of RAM. I typically give a 3-hour lecture to my interns on this because they need to know the details but that’s what it boils down to. 😂
I read the story and specifically the bit about the Github account. Isn’t this the Polyfill lib’s Github account? Because if that’s the case, how would a bundler solve the issue? The new owners could modify the original source, then the CICD jobs would happily publish that to registries and from there down into the bundles. Is it a different Github account they’re talking about?
An open source CPU, somewhat competitive with good ARM and x86 cores would be a groundbreaking achievement.