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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 12, 2024


Yep. I have a bunch of Epic’s free games. Never bought a single game from them and probably never will.

The experience on Steam is just better. And Epics lawsuits look less like they’re fighting for the little guy and more that they are envious of the market that other companies have.

You take the role of a single character to explore the whole world. You can take quests, follow rumors, explore fortress mode forts that you made, etc. Combat is controlled directly, you can target individual body parts with wrestling or weapon attacks. And more.

That looks nice but it looks like it’s for Windows- only. Heroic is cross-platform.

That’s not how you calculate profit. Their revenue might exceed their costs so far but they have to keep spending. The game isn’t done and it costs money to just keep the lights on.

Look, I don’t know their financials. I’m just correcting what you claimed and pointing out what the article is claiming which is that their spending appears to be outpacing their revenue.

As of 2022, according to its financials, the company has spent $637 million on development, with 2020 – 2022 averaging over $106 million a year. Assuming that the company continues spending around $100+ million a year, it doesn’t take a mathematician to realize that the $790 million raised so far at the time of writing is on the verge of, or has likely, run out.

No, the article is claiming $700M in development costs—based on $637M spent by 2022–and $790M raised. They’re speculating that the company is going to run out of money soon.

That’s such a nonsensical statement, I don’t even think you know what it means.

Government protection of technology (patents, copyright) will always hinder them.

Good luck inventing or creating something that a person or corporation with more money won’t immediately copy and then push you out of the market.

Patents and copyright, as originally conceived, are the lower classes only chance to compete.

Don’t bother, Meta’s Metaverse is going to blow it away! /s

They don’t have a solid catalog anymore, they quit the company that owns the publishing rights to the catalog.

These aren’t the developers quitting. It’s the publisher’s staff. Like If the employees of Republic Records all quit, Universal Music Group would still have the right to publish Taylor Swift’s or John Legend’s next album.